Your trace is not a mismark, it's beautiful


I've been out of literature for a week, and today I'm going to introduce Zhichu's "Business Paradox", and the author's "I Only Like Your Character Design" is also a good read, and I will talk about it when I have the opportunity.

Pei Tingsong, the youngest of Kaledo, rapper, was arrogant and domineering from the beginning, but gradually learned to like it, learned how to be nice to a person, learned to let go of the thorns, and protect the people around him.

Fang Juexia, the fourth child of Kaledo, who can also create both singing and dancing, is full of rumors, and represents the beauty and the miserable. From the beginning, he was indifferent and not good at expressing himself. He gradually expressed himself, became more cheerful, and used his identity to encourage more people people.

Caledo, a small group that has been together for two years, the entire beauty and strength are miserable, because a "hearing" film came out, and there was a lot of uproar, but in fact, Pei Tingsong and Fang Juexia have basically had zero interaction in the two years. But also because of this, they had to tie up their business and gradually break their arrogance and prejudice in the interaction.

I finally came out after five years. The videos that the fans helped them cut really moved me. Every scene is vivid in my mind. Fang Juexia, who has never been accompanied by Pei Tingsong, stumbled in the background because of concealing the fact that he was night blind. Later, when we support each other side by side, everything will get better and better.

In the days when he was beaten and scolded, Fang Juexia hid a note in the tree hole, he wrote, I can't become a bad person, I want to stand on the stage, I can't get hurt. What a good person, but fortunately everything is beautiful, he now has a person who loves him very much, and has a super good partner. He and Pei Tingsong heal each other, which is really super beautiful.

I also like the relationship of this article, accept it frankly, take care and support each other, Pei Tingsong's literary attainments are still very high, Fang Juexia's mathematical logic is 100%, love love, Kaledo is the best of your boy group The choice is not a loss to invest in shares, welcome and welcome.


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