Chapter7 to be released


"Why lie to her?"

The power of the summer heat permeated the entire campus, the sun was so magnanimously hanging directly above the sky, I don't know which god gave the order, and there was no wind in the surrounding calmly. The boy's eyes were neither sullen nor fiery, but at this moment his obsidian-like pupils were even darker under the sunlight.

It was pitch-dark without spots of light, but it was getting more and more scorching.

The unbearably hot lunch break is usually a time when students hide in the air-conditioned room to release their laziness. Only a pair of shadows stand in the corner of the inconspicuous campus. The girl was leaning against the wall, playing with her long dark blue hair with her fingers. Whether she was paying attention or not, she responded to the boy's gaze without any hesitation.

The passage where the two of them are located has been a must for sneaking out of the school since ancient times. During the confrontation, several regulars who took a lunch break came one after another. When they saw this scene, they stopped and turned back. Maybe there were a few people who were watching the fun and didn't leave, but no one cared or paid attention. The parties just looked at each other very seriously.

Just watching, not looking at each other affectionately.


A week ago, summer tutoring was launched under the grief of the students.

A fulfilling life made Ji Yongxi have no time to take care of the emotions that once made him feel at a loss, and rising to the third year of high school forced him to return to the right track again, filling the space in his head originally used for wild thoughts with seemingly endless exam papers and endless tests.

The environment during meal time was very noisy. Maybe it was because the pressure of studying in the third year of high school was too high. Whenever I had time to leave the piles of textbooks, it was like a long-suppressed boredom. All in all, the classroom is somewhat out of order.

"Ji Yongxi, take it."

He was burying his head in the fight with the physics exercises, when he heard his classmate who swaggered into the classroom and called his name, and a bottle of mineral water was thrown over by him.

Before he could put down the pen in his hand, Ji Yongxi turned sideways, dodging the perfect arc in the air.

The mineral water hits the head of the classmates in the rear without any bias.

"Damn..." He groaned while sleeping soundly, rubbing the back of his head, which was severely beaten, in pain. "Who wants to murder me?"

All the students who happened to see this scene burst out laughing.

"Brilliant." The mastermind who laughed the loudest was Qiu Yisen, who could not escape the fate of being named Eason in English since he was a child. He came over and patted Ji Yongxi on the shoulder twice, and then sat on the table of the victim Wu Jinghan very naturally, obviously his seat was next to Ji Yongxi.

"Sorry." Ji Yongxi, who was originally focused on the topic, also lost the corner of his mouth and picked up the weapon that was rolled aside.

"Forget it, there's nothing wrong with sacrificing yourself to make a laughing fruit." Wu Jinghan shrugged. Thanks to a farce, his sleepiness completely disappeared, and Qiu Yisen, who is gossipy by nature, just seized the opportunity to pester the two of them to share the "news" he heard from all over the grade.

"Ji Yongxi, aren't you pretty good with that Li Tianan? My cram classmate said..."

Just when Ji Yongxi was about to refute, Wu Jinghan interrupted Qiu Yisen first. "They're not bad. Anyone who's not blind knows that Li Tianan has been chasing Ji Yongxi all the time, right?"

Qiu Yisen rolled his eyes.

"It doesn't matter who is chasing who, what I want to say is that my cram classmate was also one of Li Tian'an's supporters. As a result, a few weeks ago, the day when your science exhibition team met..." He said to Ji Yongxi. winked. "My classmate heard her talk to a girl from another school and mentioned your name."

"My classmates were curious about what they were talking about, as you know, Li Tianan just looks like a high-ranking person, and it's impossible to make friends in higher vocational schools. So she hid in the corner to eavesdrop, and Li Tianan actually told the girl that you had a cold. At home, they're going to visit you. Didn't you stay in the classroom for a meeting that day?"

Not realizing that Ji Yongxi's expression gradually condensed, Qiu Yisen continued to speak to himself.

"And I heard that Li Tianan was still holding the girl's hand and didn't know what to say to her. The girl seemed to cry and walked away. Since then, my classmates felt that she was very scheming and stopped walking with her. Woman Isn't it scary? I don't think you should get too close to her."

Ji Yongxi didn't need to think about who the girl he was talking about was.

From bewilderment to guilt, too many emotions flashed through his mind at once, and it was as if a fire was still lit in his heart. Xie Hexi's abnormality at that time seemed to have all the answers.

He was angry with Li Tianan, and even more angry with himself. Not only did he not find Xie Hexi's abnormality, but he also confided his feelings self-righteously. He was so inconsiderate to the person he liked, and he didn't care about her feelings. Recalling that he didn't know anything about everything for so long, Ji Yongxi realized that he only owed Xie Hexi.

If he could protect her when she was crying, no, if he hadn't made her cry earlier, wouldn't he not even be able to convey "I like you"?

"Ji Yongxi?" Wu Jinghan shouted.

Avoiding the inquiring eyes of Qiu Yisen and Wu Jinghan, Ji Yongxi got up and walked out of the classroom without saying a word.

Ji Yongxi's low profile only lasted until Li Tianan walked out of their class.

"Yongxi, you came to me specially. What's the matter?" After she shouted like this, the chattering classroom was silent for a moment, and Li Tianan raised a triumphant smile.

Despite trying hard to pretend not to be interested, Li Tianan's classmates still looked at the two people outside the window from time to time.

"Come with me, I have something to ask you." Without intending to create a topic on the school's Facebook confession page, Ji Yongxi left this sentence and turned away first, avoiding the cameras aimed at him.


"Why lie to her?" Seeing no response, Ji Yongxi repeated it again. Although the cold aura he exuded was not enough to compete with the scorching sun, at least Li Tianan, who was arrogant for a second, didn't consciously shrink back. "And what did you say to her?"

Staring at Ji Yongxi's serious face, Li Tianan burst out laughing and slowly pulled her blue hair to her right shoulder. "Fat Xi confessed to you, and then told you again?"

Ji Yongxi couldn't help frowning slightly when he heard her address to Xie Hexi. For a moment, his face revealed his true emotions.

"No, I confessed to her."

Even the breeze was hot, slightly blowing the hair on the foreheads of the two and the tree shadows on the ground, and then time and space stood still again.

"What?" Li Tianan's eyes widened upon hearing this, with a surprised and unbelievable expression as if mocking Ji Yongxi's sincerity. "How could you..."

"Why is it impossible?" Ji Yongxi smiled, the slightly curved corners of his eyes softened the dazzling sunlight, making Li Tianan dumbfounded. He had never smiled at her like that before, it was the expression that only truly happy people would show.

In an instant, Li Tianan grabbed Ji Yongxi's collar, the fragile uniform couldn't bear the intense pulling, and the two buttons just fell to the ground, exposing Ji Yongxi's white chest.

"Do you remember why I tried so hard to get into a high school?" Li Tianan held on to Ji Yongxi's collar tightly, looking at Ji Yongxi's eyes with a kind of morbid paranoia. "How bad my grades were when I was in middle school, I couldn't get into high school at all. How hard I worked...I'm still working hard even now, you know better than anyone, don't you?"

If it was the former Li Tianan, the only person who could tell his grievances was Ji Yongxi. But even now, the bright and bright she seems to be surrounded by stars, and the only person who can accept the dark side of her heart is Ji Yongxi. Ji Yongxi used his lightest and firmest strength to break Li Tianan's trembling fingers and took a step back. He bent over to pick up the button that was lying alone on the ground, and the smile just now faded.

"I know you work hard." He glanced at the dark circles under his eyes that Li Tianan couldn't completely cover no matter how radiant she was dressed up. "But only you know why you want to change, and you'd better get rid of the bad habit of doing things to others casually." Ji Yongxi grabbed his neckline troubledly, thinking about how to survive the afternoon class.

She turned her face away nonchalantly.

"Finally, I want you to stop hurting Xie Hexi, she is really pure." After finishing speaking, Ji Yongxi walked back to the classroom without waiting for Li Tianan's promise.

what! Going crazy. Now that she is being taught by Ji Yongxi, is she still obediently watching him go? Li Tianan gritted his teeth in anger, and took out the recycling bin next to him.

"Okay...die Xie Hexi..." Li Tianan kicked it every time he said a few words. "I must... drive you away... Ji Yongxi... the... seat beside me!"

Kuangdang - The recycling bin collapsed, and the bottle was scattered all over the floor. Li Tianan made a face at the monitor not far away, turned around and left without looking back.

Wow, even she felt that she was probably the worst person in the school.


High school is probably the fastest time of my life.

As soon as summer was over, Wang Yufan and Jian Youqi both went home and lived, and would not come back until school started.

"Are you sure you don't want to come back to my house with me? It's very dangerous to stay here by yourself." Before leaving, Wang Yufan still couldn't let Xie Hexi go and hesitated in front of the dormitory door. "It's better if I don't leave at all, I'll call my parents and tell me..."

"Ah! You're leaving soon!" Before Wang Yufan took out his mobile phone, Xie Hexi pushed her and the suitcase out of the dormitory. "I'm almost an adult, so I can take care of myself. It's rare for you to go back this time, so just spend time with your family."

"...Okay, then be careful." Waving goodbye to Xie Hexi, Wang Yufan left under her watch.

Two days have passed since they were sent away, and there are less than two weeks left until they leave school. In fact, it is not unreasonable for Wang Yufan to worry about her.

In order to save money, Xie Hexi was reluctant to turn on the air conditioner, so she could only snuggle up beside her good friend, the electric fan, and lay on the bed almost all day, her mind occupied by her inertia.

It was just after three o'clock in the afternoon, and she couldn't count the number of times her stomach grumbled to protest to her. She turned over, hoping that she would be full as soon as she slept, and it was best to have a sweet dream that she was eating a big meal. She was so hungry, so hungry that she could clearly feel that her body was being eroded by stomach acid, but she couldn't help it, she was lazy!

After tossing and turning like this a few times, she had to succumb to her physical needs, and just took a piece of toast and sat aside and slowly nibbled it.

This summer vacation, she doesn't have any plans, on the contrary, she has been thinking about a big event.

But she is alone, so she shouldn't be able to do it, right? Doubt about himself was the biggest obstacle to taking action. When the hunger eased a little, Xie Hexi opened the mobile phone address book with less than ten contacts.

Uncle, aunt... better not bother them anymore, when she thought of their undisguised irritability when facing her, she immediately dismissed the idea of contacting them.

Then came her two roommates, who had just returned home. Xie Hexi shook his head silently and continued to slide down...

Chen Chengxi? Clicking on his name, Xie Hexi never pressed the call button. I still remember the last time I talked to Chen Chengxi on the phone, he mentioned that he was going to represent the school to participate in the National Technical Vocational Makeup Contest. Hearing his voice so excited, Xie and Xi could imagine the joyous expression on his face when he was pursuing his dream. No, no, he must be busy preparing for the game now, he can't be a bad friend all the time.

Sliding to the last contact, Xie Hexi's face darkened. In the past few weeks, Xie Hexi tried his best to forget him, but he remembered it more deeply.

I really miss the way he smiled, even if the corners of his lips were slightly raised, it was still a thousand miles away from the indifferent expression on his face when he wasn't smiling. It's also a good idea to hear him calling her name with a more intimate address than others. But, Xie Hexi, what reason do you have to call him?

Ahhh, that's right. Eternity seems to have said...

Suddenly remembering something, Xie Hexi called Ji Yongxi before hesitating again.

"Beep—" In the lonely room, the sound of the phone accompanied her drum-like heartbeat, and each sound was particularly clear. Hexi recited silently in her heart, she secretly decided to count to tenth and hung up the phone.

ninety. Feeling a little disappointed, Xie Hexi put the phone away from her ear, but she didn't expect the call to be picked up by the other party when it rang for the twelfth time.

"Hello...Hello?" Xie Hexi hurriedly clenched the phone that almost fell out of surprise.

The other end of the phone is very noisy.

"Hey, the caller ID is the girl's name!"

"What's the matter, even Ji Yongxi got a girlfriend, why haven't I gotten off the list yet?"

"You better go look in the mirror first."

Several different voices came out one after another, making Xie Hexi confused. "that……"

"Tsk, don't make trouble." This time it was really Ji Yongxi's voice, but it was obviously not meant for her. Xie Hexi swallowed subconsciously, thinking about how to speak.

The noise gradually faded away, taking away Xie Hexi's thoughts by the way.


Apart from her familiar deep voice, there was not a trace of noise around her. She never thought that the first emotion that emerged from her was actually wanting to cry.

"Sorry, you've been waiting for a long time." Thank you for not hanging up. Ji Yongxi leaned against the railing of the corridor, surprised that Xie Hexi would take the initiative to call him.

After so much has happened.

"Well. Why are you still at school, isn't Shu Fu over?" Xie Hexi's voice was small, revealing a little timidity and discomfort.

"Our class's stay in school has been strengthened until today, and we can have a holiday tomorrow."




Then there was an embarrassing silence, and then there was the sound of breathing, which seemed inexplicable to anyone else watching.

"Fat Hee, do you have anything to do with me?"

Her heart skipped a beat, and Xie Hexi was nervous, almost forgetting the purpose of her call this time.

"Ji Yongxi, let me ask you, do you want to go home?"


It's been three days since I made an appointment with Ji Yongxi at the train station.

Because they were temporarily called by the team members to the school to discuss the science exhibition, they decided to set off in the early evening during the call this morning, and the time was a little tight.

Although it was obvious that Ji Yongxi on the other end of the phone was full of guilt, Xie Hexi had no intention of blaming him at all. After all, he was willing to take time out of his busy schedule, and she was already very grateful.

Xie Hexi was wearing light short-sleeved shorts, and straightened his bangs bent at a strange angle through the black screen of his mobile phone.

"Fat Xi." The slender fingertips tapped lightly on her shoulder, Xie Hexi was unprepared, and Ji Yongxi's somewhat helpless face came into view as soon as he looked up. "I called you a lot."

"Uh, sorry!" As soon as he took a step, Xie Hexi felt like a robot behind Ji Yongxi, and every step he took was very difficult. On the other hand, Ji Yongxi behaves as calmly as he usually gets along with her. He clearly confesses to him. Why does he not seem nervous at all? It's not fair.

While waiting for the bus, Ji Yongxi handed out a pre-bought ticket to Xie Hexi.

"Be careful not to lose it."

"No way!" It's not a child anymore, and this trivial matter doesn't need to be reminded. Xie Hexi's cheeks were bulging with anger, and she put the ticket money into Ji Yongxi's hand, only to see Ji Yongxi smiling at her who was childish and angry because of such a trivial matter.

Xie Hexi, what are you doing! It's like a kid who's making a fuss.

She glanced at Ji Yongxi, who was still smiling, and the damn dimple.

It's not fair.

It was about an hour's drive away. Xie Hexi, who was sitting by the window, admired the constantly changing scenery outside the window. It was rare that he was not sleepy, while Ji Yongxi put on his glasses and sat next to her to read.

The scenery outside the window changed from the suburb where they were located to a single-colored industrial area, and soon yellow and green fields came oncoming, and it was about half an hour before they reached their destination.

The last time I met Ji Yongxi, it had been a long time for her, and the meeting didn't end well. Dare to find him under such circumstances, will Ji Yongxi think she is very cheeky? Xie Hexi leaned against the car window, thinking gloomily.

Suddenly wanting to understand her current position in Ji Yongxi's heart, Xie Hexi decided to ask one question at a time.

"Hey, Ji Yong..." Turning to one side, Xie Hexi quickly covered his mouth.

He fell asleep on the back of his chair, the book draped over his lap. Even when he fell asleep, he sat up straight, did not sway with the train, and showed no signs of falling forward. It was indeed Ji Yongxi.

The setting sun was about to disappear on the distant hills in the west, and the orange light shone through the window, gilding Ji Yongxi's outline with a layer of gold. Xie Hexi held his breath, unable to move his eyes away from this beautiful scene for a second.

It's just that sleeping with glasses on should be uncomfortable, right?

Xie Hexi temporarily unbuckled his seat belt, leaned slightly, and carefully pinched the mirror frames on both sides.

Because of the light, she could clearly see his long eyelashes hidden under the lenses, and she could also clearly see the moment when Ji Yongxi opened her eyes when she successfully removed the glasses.

When it was too late, the train suddenly shook violently. Xie Hexi, who could not find the support, suddenly lost his center of gravity, and it was too late to even make a sound to tell Ji Yongxi to dodge, so she crashed into his arms.

"Be careful!"

The book that had been placed in a good place fell off with a clatter, and Xie Hexi held the glasses tightly in their hands. Her other hand clings to Ji Yongxi's shoulder, while Ji Yongxi supports the seat with his left hand, and wraps his right hand around Xie Hexi's waist in a hurry. Fortunately, Ji Yongxi turned his face to the side immediately, otherwise Xie Hexi might bump into the tip of his nose and his tightly pursed lips.


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茶碗蒸I'm struggling to step outside my comfort zone by sharing these stories. Hoping that you guys like them :)
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Chapter10 抽芽

Chapter9 花謝(下)

Chapter9 花謝(上)