To Professor Zhang Peng, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University


personal statement

I, Huang Xueqin, am the author of the article "She Once Thought She Could Avoid the Professor's Hand". The article pointed out that Zhang Peng, a professor at Sun Yat-sen University’s School of Humanities and Social Sciences, continued to sexually harass female students and female colleagues from 2011 to 2017.

Zhang Peng recently blocked students from posting a statement on his personal Moments and Weibo, saying that he admitted to "severely violating social morality and family reputation" inappropriate behavior, and accepted the punishment as "responsible". At the same time, I pointed out that there are "a large number of slanderous, fictitious, false, and exaggerated words" in my article, and if necessary, file an infringement lawsuit against me and the relevant media.

Here, I sincerely hope that Zhang Peng can file a lawsuit and clearly tell me which sentence and which plot are "slandered, fabricated, exaggerated", so that I can improve better. Of course, I also had the opportunity to disclose interview records, investigation notes, witness testimony authorized by the three parties, and laboratory-related video screenshots in court (the full video can be provided by Sun Yat-sen University).

By the way, the female student mentioned in the article who was sexually harassed by you in 2011 asked for help in French and later went to study in France has also been found, and she can provide a statement of the situation at that time.

In fact, Professor Zhang Peng, you are too anxious to come back, right? Just in Yangzhou, I thought of Wang Xiaodun, a professor at the Chinese Department of Tsinghua University in Beijing. Don’t you want to learn from others? At the beginning, Professor Wang harassed female doctoral students at Tsinghua University in Taiwan, but was returned by Tsinghua University in Taiwan, which caused a sensation. After being silent for a while, Professor Wang was introduced by another university as a talent, and he is still active today. Why can't you bear the loneliness so much? Since you like to be lively, I don't want to spoil your interest. Many lawyers have also expressed that they are welcome to sue and actively respond to the lawsuit.

Come, let us take our respective legal responsibilities, and contribute a case and strength to our country's "Anti-Sexual Harassment Law".

Huang Xueqin

July 15, 2018


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黄雪琴独立记者,关注性别平权、弱势群体和社会正义 一秒钟的黑暗,不会让我们成为瞎子
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