Good experience and amazing travel practice: a leisurely travel that can only be done by a single person! !

People say that India has a very serious E. coli. If you drink unclean water, you will immediately have you actually ask me to play the flute you played...I...I... .

I want to share a good experience and it is amazing, because the feelings of beautiful people are not the same, and they must have different perceptions. We may look at all the events that happen around us very harshly, so that no matter when we are, we don’t feel I am experiencing a good experience, and I am not surprised by a good experience, but what exactly is a good experience? And what exactly does it mean that I should be amazed?

Let me start to slowly share the many and various experiences I have gained over the years. In the end, Ruhe has turned into a good experience, which amazes me!

Over the past few years I have had the opportunity to travel and work at the same time because of the activities of my former company. Some of these trips are short-term 5-day activities, and some are long-term courses up to 15 days, with as few as 18-20 people, and as many as 40-70 people.

No matter what kind of travel itinerary is, the members of the group almost always have to follow the tour guide or teacher closely, sometimes it is inevitable to see the flowers, and sometimes because the activities require group interaction, and I am often the teacher leading the group (my job is not a tour guide or a tour guide). The team leader is the team mentor), so you will follow the students’ status at all times, sometimes explaining and sometimes interacting.

After a long time, you will find that because this trip is a job, most of the time you spend more time looking at "people" than "beautiful scenery". You are not a local, but you are of the same cultural and nationality as you. ...Taiwanese! ! Ha ha

Chamounil Blanc in beautiful that I didn't put down my mobile phone for a moment (only my mobile phone on this trip...)

So, I started always taking time out to give myself some time to get out of the group and walk around on my own. Take the time to take my mobile phone or camera to take pictures of the beautiful scenery or people that I will be amazed by... (Actually, I also like to photograph people, especially the students in the same group, so that I will find different beautiful scenery from them! Seeing them laugh, cry, or relax is a huge reward for me!)

But this is only limited to a relatively free itinerary. In the beginning, something is better than nothing, so I will find a way to allow myself to have time to walk alone on the street, stop when I want, and buy when I want.

Of course, this is not for the convenience of shopping. The reason for this is that you can enter the local culture according to your own personal preferences without considering anyone's reactions and needs. For example, you need to know more about the country and culture. Gotta walk into their grocery store and walk around like a local.

Hong Kong, I think Xiangxuan's second home, even though I don't speak Cantonese, I love it! The filming day was the day when 2 million people took to the streets during the anti-extradition demonstration! !

An example that I have personally experienced is the trip to Osho Village in India in 2005, which was also the first time I set foot on this exotic and colorful land in India. The reason for going is because I went to Osho Village, which was very famous in the practice world back then, with my four partners. It is a holy place of practice that will take more than three hours to drive to Mumbai, India.

We went there for two weeks. During this period, I was almost alone. I went to a free course alone, had meals alone, and walked the streets alone. I was simply curious to explore a strange country. I returned to the accommodation at night, and then Talk to your mates about today's fun. (At that time, I was experiencing lovelorn.. I was experiencing not having myself, and later I realized that this time is the best time to discover the other side of my heart!!)

Back then, I had a big bald head, put on earrings for the first time, and embarked on an alternative journey in my life!

One day I saw a hawker selling bamboo flutes on the street, so I stopped to pick around, and interacted with the hawker sentence by sentence (you know... English is not very good, but an Indian accent). It's unique, but it's not very easy to understand) Just like that, when I was about to buy something, the hawker pointed to my watch and said:

"What a beautiful watch, I have never seen such a beautiful watch...I have never had a watch..."

At the time, this watch was unique to me because it was a gift for myself when I got paid for my first job in my life, because the hawker told me that my watch was beautiful, I thought about it Just take it off and give it to him, just because I want to say that it may be something he can't buy in his life. If you can, give it to him! I thought so myself.

The hawker probably didn't expect that someone would give it to him just because he liked it, so he was very happy to send me a recorder and invited me to their house to sit. When many people heard this, they could not help but let out a sigh of relief and asked me, "Aren't you afraid? India? There will be danger, right?"

Looking back now, I was really simple and bold at that time. I didn't think there would be any problems at all. It was just curiosity and trust.

This yellow-bottomed green car is India's most famous "Rickshaw"

So I called a rickshaw and asked the hawker to take me to their house.... That was the first time I walked into a local Indian's house. That house... Really can be described in four words as "a family with four walls" , It is very simple to sit directly on the cloth on the ground (the cloth looks similar to the loess) in the living room where there are no chairs, tables and cabinets, and then he said he wanted to teach me to play the flute. Before I could react, he reached out and took it. The bamboo flute in my hand played directly, a really nice little tune, but I was a little dumbfounded at the moment, because he handed it back to me as soon as he finished playing, and asked me to play the tune he just played right away. ...

I don't know if everyone is the same as I am dumbfounded...

It's not that I only listened to that piece once, how could I play it.... What I really cared about at that time was that you just blew it and it was your saliva, how could I play it directly? ! People say that India has a very serious E. coli. If you drink unclean water, you will immediately have diarrhea... You... you... Now you actually ask me to play the flute you played... I... I... .. I'm also very good. I didn't think about it anymore, I just took it and blew it! In the same way, you sip and I sip, I learned that song

Later, the hawker told me that this is a kind of song that pays homage to God. The locals often sing this way to pay respect to God, and I was immediately moved. I didn’t care much about saliva! Hahaha

When I think about it now, I am still very grateful for my innocence and curiosity back then. I really went to the home of a local Indian, and I really tried to change my mind to act even if I was in doubt... It really showed me my difference, and Let me re-decide what I really want right now! ! ! This taught me a deep lesson...and from then on, I really learned to cherish my life.

For me, having the opportunity to act like this does make your journey quite a bit of fun, although there are places where it's a little inconvenient, especially for women. But if you are in a relatively safe country, like Canada or Japan or even Taiwan, you should really try to explore your journey with a little more curiosity. No longer just go to famous attractions, but walk into your own curious vision and explore that unfamiliar path.

This is my good experience so amazing... how come? If you create it yourself, you really don’t dare to be alone, then you can find a friend to go on an adventure with you and find your childlike innocence and courage!


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