Happy "Buzz Lightyear"

Because of the film Toy Story, I believe that everyone is familiar with the character Buzz Lightyear. This film is adapted from the character of the same name under the "Toy Story Series Movies", which is a derivative work of the series~~

Buzz Lightyear is a 2022 American 3D computer-animated adventure film, co-produced by Pixar Animation Studios and Walt Disney Pictures, and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Movies.

Because of the film Toy Story, I believe that everyone is familiar with the character Buzz Lightyear. This film is adapted from the character of the same name under the "Toy Story Movie Series". It is a derivative work of the series. In addition to the same name, the character The goals set are also related to previous Toy Story, which itself has an interstellar mission.

The background of the movie itself is set in the distant outer space. Bass is a young, enthusiastic and energetic space trooper. During a mission to a distant planet, the spacecraft was damaged. To survive, in order to get back to where he came from, the tasked Buss must be tested in overdrive, flying over and over and failing again and again.

Every time he came back from the flight, his previous partner also got older, just like the concept of one day in the heaven and one year in the human world, right? It was a dazzling time for him, but it took years for his people to wait until they got old. to die...

The filming method of the film itself is very fast and easy, especially the yellow robot cat. It was originally assigned the task of accompany Buzz Lightyear, listen to him, enlighten and comfort him, but Buzz Lightyear After being absent for many years, the robot cat later became a super powerful companion. With its company, Buzz Lightyear finally completed 100% speeding flight...

The story is still very long, and friends who want to watch it can watch it by themselves. Although it looks like a movie made for children at first glance, it still looks pretty good for adults. It can make everyone instantly younger and return to Toy Story. time ^^


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