Mortal raving-22.7.20- Moon Shadow Clutch

The moon reduces the loneliness of the earth~

Holy matters:

Today is Human Moon Day, which was established to commemorate the "one small step for mankind" taken on the moon by the moon landing hero Armstrong on this day in 1969. To know the technical conditions of the year, the moon landing required unimaginable hard work and overcoming many difficulties. The 2018 Hollywood biopic "The First Man on the Moon" has a relevant description (insert, the soundtrack is really nice, it is recommended to bring a pair of good headphones or a pair of better speakers to watch the movie quietly) , During the preparation for the moon landing, three astronauts were indeed sacrificed due to the immature technology causing the simulation cabin to catch fire during the simulated moon landing. They are: Virgil Gleason, Edward White, Roger Chaffey. The names of these pioneers in human exploration of space should be remembered.

At this time, the melody of a song suddenly came to my mind, which is "Moon Dream" in the first album of the Tang Dynasty Band - this song was later used to commemorate the core member of the band and the first generation bass who passed away unexpectedly. Hand torch. The lyric is written like this: How can I forget the past night, the moon shadows are separated and reunited, how happy and confused, the wind blows, the cloud shadow is like a dream... With the sound of the lead singer Ding Wu's flute, the mood suddenly becomes desolate and distant. Once upon a time, the old man, the moon, accompanied the earth for more than 4 billion years at the beginning of its formation. With the company of this only satellite, the earth drifted in the vast universe, and it seemed that it was not so lonely anymore.

There is a theory that the formation of the moon was 4.5 billion years ago. At that time, the earth was just a newborn baby of the universe. The young earth was hit by the celestial body "Theia" similar in size to Mars, and a huge amount of it was formed. The debris gathers to form the moon under the action of gravity at the outer periphery of the earth. According to its theory, the earth and the moon are twins, you have me, and I have you. It's just that the long years of billions of years, the companionship of each other, has changed.

The ancients loved the moon, and the ingenious people also gave the moon many elegant nicknames, such as jade rabbit (who wants to climb the building to look at the jade rabbit, who will open the curtain to cover the silver que); Qu Yuan); Su'e (Su'e is another name for the moon - "Young Learning Qionglin"); Bing Lun (who hangs the jade hook, the ice wheel has no track - Lu You); Yu Lun (the jade wheel rolls the dew and wet light, Luan Pei meets Guixiang Mo - Li He); Yuchan (outside the misty haze of the cool night, three or five jade toads in autumn - Fang Gan); Guisoul (Gusui flying to the place where the light shines, soaked in cold for a day in autumn green - Su Shi) ; Toad (the country of Fujian sailed, and the toad lost and recovered the regiment—Jia Dao); Gu Dou (the sun bird did not leave the valley, Gu Dou was half-hidden—Li Bai); And so on.

Not only the ancients, but also modern people love the moon. I remember that many animes and movies we watched when we were young had descriptions about the mysterious power of the moon. The most famous one is the classic "Sailor Moon": representing the moon annihilate you. At that time, I was thinking, does the moon really have that much energy? However, after watching the energy of the sun and the moon in "The Sword of the Sun and the Moon", I am convinced of the power of the moon. Now that I think about it, I can't help but smile. After all, children are children, and they are really innocent.

Many children's astronomical dreams probably start from the moon. After all, it is the celestial body closest to the earth. Just take a household astronomical telescope and you can get a glimpse of the true face of the moon. For the astronomical Mongolia, kill two birds with one stone.


In a trance, it seems to have flown back to those sleepless summer nights when I was a child. After dinner, I took a small bench and sat with the adults in the courtyard. Parents are short, chatting about floating things. As for me, I just listened quietly, while playing with the weeds under my feet, I looked up at the moon.

The moon is so beautiful!

Matt City lives forever!


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