Chatting about Buddhist scriptures and stories: Borrowing flowers to offer to Buddha and covering mud with hair (Part 1)

But today we only talk about the background, these two main plots have not appeared yet ~ we are still talking about corn soup and ice cream later...

There are many deer in Buddhist scriptures~
Or maybe it’s just because I have a pair of eyes that are good at spotting similar people •ᴗ•

Yes, today is another deer series in Buddhist scriptures. What Xiaolu wants to talk about today is a story about the skin of a deer...
(But it didn’t appear anywhere in today’s conversation)

This story can be summed up in four words: covering your hair with mud.
To put it simply, it means spreading your hair to cover the dirt road. It also has a twin story: borrowing flowers to offer to Buddha.
The general idea is that after buying flowers, use the flowers to offer to the Buddha. Originally, I thought there was no deer in this story and wanted to omit it, but... there are things I want to complain about in it, so I will talk about it by the way today.

Similarly, there are many versions of Buddhist scripture stories. This is normal. Xiaolu will make some slight adaptations when chatting. I believe the parties involved will not mind~
Then let’s watch this story accompanied by the blue sky and white clouds of ribs~

It's very windy today

Once upon a time, how long ago? Probably the ancestors of the ancestors of the ancestors of the long ago~
A child was born in the Bama Kingdom. This baby was called "Ru Tong".

The Rutong is a baby. He likes to study since he was a child, especially in the study of Brahma. Naturally, he becomes a learned teenager. One day his teacher said to him: You have almost learned everything. Next, you should learn everything. Learn and apply it in practice! Let's go, boy! Go to the vast world!
The Confucian scholar was a good boy, so he set out to expand his knowledge in other places.

The scholar boy walked and walked. One day, he met a group of people gathered together. There were as many as five hundred people in this group. They gathered together. In the middle there was a high chair with five hundred silver coins and a person. A solemn woman.
(....What a dignified woman is, what is she! Is being dignified a compliment?...It should be...but I don't know why I am not very happy to be praised like this...)

The scholar asked them what they were doing. Only then did I realize that this group of people had met to question each other in a battle. Anyone who sat on a chair and survived being questioned would win five hundred silver coins and a fight with the solemn woman (...Oops... After repeated battles with five hundred and one person. After the solemn woman's words...the solemn woman began to look like Teacher Wu Bai...).

The Confucian scholar wants to say that this is a good way to demonstrate what he has learned! He said to the five hundred people: "I am a practitioner from the neighboring country of Bama. Can I join your debate?" After everyone agreed, the scholar boy stayed to participate in the questioning. As a result, the scholar boy spoke alone. He defeated 500 people and finally won, but he refused to accept the prize. He said that he was very grateful for this opportunity, which allowed him to verify what he had learned. This was already his biggest gain, so he really couldn't accept it. Five hundred silver coins and that solemn woman 0.0

(It’s a bit long, let’s take a break and take a look at the scenery)

Taken by a friend

After the scholar boy refused, he left the five hundred people alone. But at this time, this solemn woman fell in love with this knowledgeable young man. She decided to follow the scholar boy. However, the world is so big that this solemn woman wanted to Where can I find scholarly boys? She decided to go to the country of Confucian scholars and wait for the young man to return home.

When the solemn woman (this title was a bit long, Xiaolu called her Xiaozhuang) walked to Bomo Country, she was exhausted and even had blisters on the soles of her feet. Xiaozhuang sat on the side of the road to rest. At this time, Xiaozhuang happened to meet The king of Shangbomo Kingdom went on a tour.
When the king saw Xiaozhuang, he sighed how could a woman look so majestic! Then asked her who she was? Why did you come to our country? After learning the whole story, the king was impressed by Xiaozhuang's spirit and decided to take her in. He found a job for Xiaozhuang in the palace so that she could wait for the scholar to return to the country~
In this way, Xiaozhuang had a job. She was responsible for going to the garden to pick flowers every day and decorating the palace at the palace.

After a period of time, the scholar boy returned to the Kingdom of Bama after temporarily completing his study tour. As soon as the scholar boy returned home, he saw many people cleaning the streets and filling potholes on the road. The scholar boy asked the passers-by what everyone was busy with!
The passerby replied happily: "Dingguang Buddha is coming to our country, so we are busy cleaning and decorating."
When he learned that Dingguang Buddha was about to arrive, the scholar boy was also very happy. He also wanted to offer flowers to the Buddha, but the flowers had already been taken by the king to decorate the streets. Where should the scholar boy find flowers?

at this time! Xiaozhuang appears! Xiaozhuang just showed up with flowers!

The hero and heroine of our story appears! But the story is already too long... Can the scholar boy successfully get the flowers? Can Xiaozhuang grasp this encounter? If you want to know what happened next, please listen to the breakdown next time.

Xiaolu, let me first explain that there are two theories about the male and female protagonists of this story. One is that the male protagonist is a scholar and the other is that he is a good and wise immortal. The heroine is said to be a solemn-looking woman who later turns into a palace maid, and is said to be a woman in blue. Although the names are different, the plot of the story is similar and the meanings are not far from each other. Under the premise that I believe that they will not blame me, Xiaolu has slightly synthesized and slightly changed the narrative text. I hereby explain~
(The story says that the Buddha who came is either Dingguang Buddha or Dingguang Buddha. Basically, it does not affect the story. Regarding Dingguang Buddha, his name is also included in the Eighty-eight Buddhas' Confessions)

Finally, Xiaolu would like to share his thoughts on eating FamilyMart corn soup ice cream (lacto-vegetarian) yesterday:

Montblanc style

First of all, Xiaolu bought it because he wanted to eat Montblanc-shaped ice cream. So after buying the ice cream first, he thought of asking what the flavor was today?
I didn't expect it to taste like corn soup...

I can't say it's not delicious...I can't say it's unpalatable..., it really has the taste of thick soup..., but I can't say it's delicious tastes like ice cream. The soup... is the kind of... soup-flavored corn flakes snack..., more salty than sweet, and I can't say that I am eating salty food...

All in all, it’s an ice cream that makes you wonder while eating it. I personally don’t recommend it, but you can eat it.

Then we will continue chatting tomorrow.


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