My Miss Beiqi Clinic, I want to register

People who use the supermarket collection card as a registration card to register at the hospital? A person with a body temperature of 38 degrees who needs a flu shot? Someone who called at 4:55 in the afternoon and asked the whole hospital to wait for him? The person who left the bra after the x-ray? ? My clinic, everyone has it, welcome to my Beiqi clinic….

Author Little Sun's Star and Heart

Today I'm going to talk about some interesting things in the workplace. Otherwise, everyone will think that I am practicing in some dark hell.

In the same environment, just change your mentality and change your thinking. Routines also become interesting in the eyes. The joy in life is to be found by yourself.

Miss. I want to register too!

One of registration card and health insurance card

Usually we don’t sit at the counter all the time, sometimes answering the phone, sometimes picking up packages, and sometimes going to make an appointment for a patient. At this time, the transparent plastic box on the counter is very useful.

We ask patients to put their registration card and health insurance card in a small box, and we will take them out one by one to confirm when we go back to the counter.

When I go to collect the registration cards and health insurance cards of these patients, there are always a few strange things.

"Takagi-san~ Where's your registration certificate?" I yelled.

Takagi-san ran over in a panic, "I put it in (the box)!"


"Takagi-san, this is a supermarket card..."

Hearing this, Takagi-san blushed and hurriedly took out his wallet, "Oh, I'm sorry, I'll look for it..."

I saw that his wallet was stuffed with dozens of registration certificates from various hospitals and clinics, but he didn't have our home.

I couldn't help but mention to him, "Our registration card is yellow and looks like this (show him a template from someone else)."

As a result, he couldn't find it everywhere. There were dozens of people with registration certificates from other institutions in the bag. Are you sure you really want to see our house today? Did you go to the wrong hospital?

In the small transparent plastic box, in addition to the supermarket collection card, there are car driver's licenses, credit cards, registration cards of other institutions, expired health insurance cards, other people's health insurance cards, and whatever cards you want.

I thought it was funny at first, but after seeing it, I couldn't laugh anymore.

I also received a membership card from a marriage agency last time.

I know it's not easy to get married in our country, but I'm married, no need, thank you!


2. Influenza vaccine

Flu season is here again, and the hospital is full of people getting flu shots.

An old gentleman's flu vaccine consultation sheet came over, and it was surprising to see, especially now that it is the season of the new crown epidemic.

"Abo, your body temperature is 38.6 degrees. You can't get a flu shot. Are you sick with a fever? You can't go to the hospital!" I said.

The old man was even more surprised than I was, "I don't have a fever!"

It turns out that he wrote 36.8 degrees as 38.6 degrees. He pushed himself to the cusp of what is now the most taboo.

Compared with this kind of super high body temperature that seems to have gotten the flu, it is scary that someone's body temperature is low.

This time this one wrote on the temperature bar (33.6 degrees).

I learned smarter this time. "Excuse me, is 36.3 degrees written as 33.6 degrees?"

The man was very calm, "No, no, I usually have this body temperature."

Are you sure your body is safe and sound?

There are all kinds of wonderful writing on the questionnaire.

Someone wrote on the inoculation date, June 10, 1958, this a Back to the Future play?

Someone signed someone else's name at the vaccinator's signature, who is going to call?

The name engraved in my heart, don't take it out and use it at this time?


Three The Magical Register

Four fifty-five in the afternoon.

When the registration time ends in five minutes, I receive a call from a patient.

"I have to go to the doctor today with abdominal pain, but my feet hurt. I can't walk before 5 o'clock. Can I go to the doctor at 5:30?" The patient's voice was pitiful.

(This person has abdominal pain. If the doctor comes at 5:30 and says he needs to have an IV, if not, he will have to get it at 8 or 9 at night. He knows the pain in his stomach and his feet. Why didn't he leave earlier?) I muttered to myself.

After asking the dean, the dean actually said ok. With the awareness of eating instant noodles at the clinic at night, I relayed this news to this "abdominal pain patient who couldn't make it to the registration time because of foot pain."

As a result, this "abdominal pain patient who couldn't keep up with the registration time because of foot pain" actually said, "Oh, that's great, thank you! I'll run right now!"

Don't you have a sore foot? Can you still run? ? (Japanese ダッシュ means fast running)

I reported to the dean, "I just called to say that the patient who had foot pain was too late to register. He said he was going to run right now!"

It's too common sense, I can't even say it, the more I talk, the more I want to laugh.

In the end, these people just spoke their own words for the sake of achieving their own goals.

After he came "running", I didn't think there was anything strange about his feet. Maybe... it would be better for him to pretend to be lame.


The fourth patient who insists on absolute unequal number 1

One grandma who opened the door early in the morning won the top spot, grabbing the first incense and the No. 1 number plate.

I saw grandma put her registration certificate health insurance card in the box of "taking medicine".

"Mamma! You're number 1, do you just need to take the medicine today?" I had to make sure.

Grandma seemed rather angry, "Last time I said to see a doctor, I waited for 3 hours and it wasn't my turn! I don't have to wait today! Just get the medicine, just get the medicine..."

"No! You are No. 1. The doctor is waiting for you inside now. You can go in and see now. Are you sure you only need to take the medicine?" I explained to her that there is no need to wait today.

She was very sure, "I'm here to get the medicine today! After I waited for 3 hours last time, I made up my mind, don't wait... Next time, just get the medicine...!"

Mamaw's determination was as high as a mountain and deeper than the ocean, very, very sure.

……. Since grandma is so determined.

I doubt she even knows the meaning of number 1. She seemed to be thinking only about "just get the medicine today".

Patient No. 2 happily passed her and walked into the treatment room.

I really want to push her into the consultation room from behind her. Sometimes, the persistence of the old man is really an incomprehensible thing!


The fifth hot bra incident

Early in the morning, Nurse B came to the office with a hot red and orange bra, "Whose is this? Put it in the X-ray room?"

Why do we keep our bras in the X-ray room when we have nothing to do with business? Ask what is the problem? !

Everyone looks confused, you look at me and I look at you.

"Yesterday's shift A hasn't come yet, check who it is!" Nurse B took the bra naked from the shelf next to the office computer desk.

I glanced at the bra, and it was red and red, and it was hollow and carved, the kind that would make people blush and heartbeat.

The laughter in my heart has exploded to the highest point.

The old sister also made me laugh, "Sugiyama! What are you laughing at? Don't you want to check? Hurry up and check...!"

She herself is not laughing, alright... I'll just check.

According to the survey, there were only two female patients who had chest X-rays yesterday, one was an elderly man in his 80s, and the other was a woman in her 40s.

"So red, can't be the eighty-year-old!" I said.

The old sister said, "But yesterday, another 40-year-old XX-sang, did she have such a big chest?"

I took another look at the bra, and it was indeed a big size.

Hmm... "But it was just these two people yesterday!"

My old sister and I looked at each other and said in unison, "No, yes..."

If it was worn by a male patient, it would be impossible to find it!

Later, the old sister called the 40-year-old woman, who was not there, and her old father answered.

"Your daughter came for a chest X-ray yesterday and "seems" to have forgotten her bra in the hospital... "

While my old sister was talking on the phone, I kept laughing beside me and bent over.

The old sister kept waving to me, go! Go to the side! Stop laughing! Because I saw that she was about to burst out laughing.

The old father must be very embarrassed. I just imagined how his daughter came home from get off work, how the old father asked his daughter to come get the bra, and I could roll twice on the ground just by imagining.

It was later confirmed that the bra with the blushing heartbeat belonged to a 40-year-old female patient.

What kind of nerve, can I go back without wearing it after taking the X-ray? Don't you feel cold?


Of course, over the years, there have been six, seven, and eight... ㄧ There are a lot of people who can't finish talking, really, there are hundreds of different kinds of people, and there are really a lot of strange people...

Finally, just like writing essays in elementary school, no matter what you write, you must shout "Three Principles of the People to unite China!" at the end.

I also want to say, I hope everyone is healthy and safe, and you can't go to the hospital if you are fine. When you go to the hospital, remember to wear a bra and go home.


2020.12.16 Posted in Pathfinder

2021.10 Posted in Ruffian Gang


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