Digital Marketing Course Learning Experience Digital Marketing Course Recommendation

Sunny Lam

Earlier, because I was considering switching to Digital Marketing, I took a lot of Digital Marketing courses. After comparison, I signed up for Growth Marketing Bootcamp of Growth Marketer Academy. It is a 12-week face-to-face Digital Marketing course with an online option as well. After attending court, I feel good and I feel that I have grown. In addition, they provide a Coupon Code: MATTERS222. If you sign up with the coupon code, the tuition fee can be reduced by HK$700. Can be used if necessary.

Course introduction:

The Growth Marketing Bootcamp is a 12-week digital marketing course with Onsite and Online options. I signed up for Onsite myself. Compared to other Digital Marketing courses, it is a long course. There will be a digital marketing topic every week, from Marketing Funnel, to teaching landing pages, FB ads, Google ads, GA and more. But the biggest feature of the Growth Marketing Bootcamp is that it has a cooperate partner. In class, students will work in groups to help the cooperate partner do a marketing project, and they can really apply the knowledge and tools learned in the class.


Being able to do a marketing project is the biggest advantage of the course, and it is also the main reason why I chose Growth Marketing Bootcamp after comparing other digital marketing courses. Because the most important thing in learning digital marketing is application. The advantage of Growth Marketing Bootcamp is that after learning those tools, there is really an Account that you can use and practice (because you have to help the cooperation partner do the project), such as Google Analytics, FB ads, etc. If you lack hands-on experience, for example, you are a Marketing Manager, but don't usually operate it, or like me, you want to switch to Digital Marketing but have no first-hand experience, this should be of great help to you. In addition to the teaching courses, there are also several online consultation & mentor times. The industry marketing manager or trainer regularly guides the project. It is a bit like when a company encounters a digital marketing problem, it seeks the opinion of a digital marketing consultant. Mentor and consultant are like this. Role.

In addition to the marketing project, I also think the overall course of the Growth Marketing Bootcamp is pretty good. I haven't taken any other digital marketing courses, so I probably can't compare. But for me, every time I finish the class, I learn new knowledge, and there are supplementary videos to watch. The class also provides recordings. If you can't keep up with the class, you can go back and watch it. So I think even if there is no marketing project, from a general digital marketing course, the quality is good.

Another added value that I didn't expect is because the Growth Marketing Bootcamp comes with a certificate that can be put on LinkedIn. On LinkedIn, I met the Marketing Manager of an international company by chance. It was alumni from Bootcamp. This became the topic of our coffee chat. Is it a place to help with networking? Because the Growth Marketing Bootcamp has been held for more than ten times, and there are many alumni, if you all put them on LinkedIn, even if you are not the same cohort, you still have the opportunity to meet in this way.


The 12-week course teaches a lot, but it's fixed, so it may not be possible to skip what you already know, or are not interested in. Like I am familiar with Content SEO, but this is still to be done. Also I'd really like to know how to do tik tok marketing, but their course doesn't cover it.

Another advantage and disadvantage is that the content of the course is very substantial and compact. In addition to the weekly course, there is also a digital marketing project. If you want to gain something, you have to invest a lot of time in it, but not everyone has such time to study, especially most of them are already working, which is really hard. Therefore, although I have a good evaluation of Growth Marketing Bootcamp, I will still tell those who consider it, this class is not just listening to it, remember to carefully evaluate whether there is any extra time to spend in these three months.

Overall evaluation and growth:

I think the Growth Marketing Bootcamp has really made me change from a person who doesn't know much about Digital Marketing to a person who can discuss experience and knowledge with Digital Marketing personnel, and also get positive feedback from each other (I have not yet engaged in Digital Marketing related work. ). I think the digital marketing project has contributed a lot, and I give high praise for this. Then because I am an extroverted and enrolled in the Onsite course, I often have the opportunity to interact with my classmates and trainers in the classroom. I have virtually established a lot of contacts, and even connected to alumni on LinkedIn. If you value network assets, maybe this is a plus for you, but I think Onsite is better than Online.

When I first enrolled in the Digital Marketing course, I was interested in Digital Marketing and considered changing jobs, so I enrolled in the course and tried it out. I was surprised and learned a lot. I plan to start looking for a Digital Marketing worker to try after the project I'm working on during this period. At that time, I can share whether the Growth Marketing Bootcamp helped me with my career change, and if so how much.


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