Are there pictures and truth?


Have you seen this picture online?

(Online picture)

Recently, a number of online platforms, and even social groups of friends, have been circulating a picture called "McDonald's Father and Son". It was initially reported that a father celebrated his son's birthday at a McDonald's restaurant in Hong Kong. Shabby", in the later period, someone reposted and left a message to support the father to celebrate his son's birthday. "Wait, everyone seems to know the two people in the picture very well, but the real situation, it seems that no one cares, just follow what others say and like them one after another.

Although "there are pictures and the truth", the truth is not necessarily "looked", unless you just want to use pictures to help express your thoughts, or use pictures to tell a story.

In fact, is a man and a child a father and son? Can't be brothers, or friends, or even social workers and recipients?

A single parent family without a woman present?

The so-called McDonald's restaurants celebrate their birthdays, are they grassroots people? But it's not cheap to celebrate birthdays at McDonald's! Also, does McDonald's allow take-out food? Can I bring my own birthday cake?

So, just from a picture and adding a piece of online text, is it really "there is a picture and the truth"?

And where does the so-called "shabby" message from someone on the Internet come from? where to find it?

Here, I'm not discussing or denying how touching the birthdays of father and son are, but to say that a single picture can "see" many stories. If you don't understand the truth of the online world, or ignore Fact check, you will only accept others The "truth" or "imagination" passed on to you may not be able to see the "truth" or even be "deceived".

Especially in recent incidents such as scams in Cambodia, it is not just paragraphs of online articles, one after another "photo cheating", plus the care of so-called "friends" or "friends of friends", and betray "piggy" one after another. already? !

So, for the stories circulating on the Internet, be careful, be careful, be careful!

PS I wanted someone to celebrate my birthday at McDonald's when I was a kid!


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