Those who ran for president without being nominated by the Chinese Communist Party...


The two sessions are the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. The two sessions in China are held recently, and many political affairs will come to the surface through the sessions.

Among them, at the first session of the National People's Congress held every five years, there is a political issue that most people at home and abroad pay attention to, that is, the election of the supreme leader of the People's Republic of China - the president of the country.

Although according to the constitution, the National People's Congress elects the president of the country according to popular opinion. In practice, however, the process of electing the Chinese president is first nominated by the Communist Party of China, and after a symbolic vote by the National People's Congress, the candidate is sent to the top position. From Mao Zedong and Liu Shaoqi to Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping.

Even so, many have announced their candidacy for the presidency of China without being nominated by the Chinese Communist Party.

Among them, there are rights defenders and those who are enthusiastic about state affairs. Although the final results were all failures, the election experience of these people is also of great reference for the study of the development of China's democratic politics.

The picture below shows the well-documented candidates who ran for the presidency of China without being nominated by the Chinese Communist Party since the beginning of the 21st century. There are also other candidates, but due to limited ability, it is difficult to find them one by one:

Since the beginning of the 21st century, there have been six people who have been able to run for the presidency without being nominated by the Communist Party. Among them, two belong to the eight major democratic parties in the system, and the other four are rights activists, liberals, or ordinary citizens who care about state affairs.

Even for members of the democratic parties within the system, the road to election has not been smooth. Leaving aside the questionable case of Qi Xuchun, although Zhang Shubin is a member of the Democratic National Construction Association, he is not a member of the system.

There is no other circumstantial evidence about Qi Xuchun's campaign experience except what is written in the Wikipedia "Revolutionary Revolution" entry, so the campaign may not exist

The highest official rank obtained by the Democratic National Construction Association in the People's Republic of China is the vice-president of the country held by its party member Rong Yiren. Even such a vice-chairman actually secretly joined the Chinese Communist Party as early as the 1980s.

Zhang Shubin was originally a marginalized member of the Democratic National Construction Association, and his influence within the Democratic National Construction Association was not enough. He advocated Bernstein's democratic socialism, listed 33 policy programs in great detail, and even reserved positions for Hu Jintao, Wen Jiabao, Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang in his future cabinet.

Even so, he did not pass the nomination of the National People's Congress Presidium in the end. In the end, Zhang Shubin's candidacy was over.

Luo Changfu, nicknamed "Justice and Conscience". He claims to be China's first democratically elected presidential candidate . After he announced his candidacy, he posted a message in support of Liu Di, a student of Beijing Normal University who had been detained by Guoan at the time (net name "Stainless Steel Mouse").

Mr. Chen, from Beijing, whose real name is unknown. After the Second Session of the Eleventh National People's Congress in 2009, an express mail was sent to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, and a self-recommended proposal to run for the next state president caused a sensation in the public opinion at that time, and then there was no following.

Zhu Juru, a native of Jiangxi Province, was originally a school teacher. She was first detained for accusing local governments of corruption, and then she was sent to re-education through labor for writing articles on the Internet criticizing the one-party dictatorship and the then state leaders. After regaining his freedom in 2010, he decided to run for the presidency of the country and was subsequently arrested on the charge of inciting subversion of state power . After being released, he was placed under house arrest during the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

Cao Jianshan once participated in the organization of the Tiananmen d parade in Beijing during the "89 student movement", and then ran for the district people's congress three times; in 2009, he ran for the president of the People's Republic of China. After the 3.21 explosion in Xiangshui, Jiangsu in 2019, he was arrested because Cao Jianshan issued a government information disclosure application requesting the Jiangsu provincial government to disclose the names of the victims of the explosion.

Looking at these six people, except for the questionable case of Qi Xuchun, the rest of the candidates who were not nominated by the Communist Party for the election of the state president, without exception, have not even passed the nomination of the presidium of the National People's Congress, not to mention that there will be representatives of the National People's Congress who voted for the election. They are.

And every time before the election of the president of the country, many netizens will make fun of them on social networking sites, and imitate the general elections of democratic countries to design a series of "intense elections" to amuse themselves .

This is probably a kind of "Chinese characteristics".

Another: There is also information that there is a person with the online name "Black Facebook Scholar" who ran for president of the country in 2001 . However, I searched the Internet and found no relevant detailed information, and even the "black face scholar" himself was missing. Therefore it is not included in the table. Those who are interested can also search and verify the information by themselves, and welcome to discuss together in the comment area.


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