Ghost Moon Travels

All Chinese without punctuation

Back when I was a student, my dream experience at school was not very good, but it was very clear. It seemed that the current affairs at hand were intertwined with the past memories.

At the beginning of the dream, I was wearing a piece of clothes from a school competition event, but it was old, but it was freshly dismantled. I was unkempt and the clothes were new.

I just came out of a classroom and it was the training room. I had no idea at all. I didn't know where to go.

He gave me the remote control to control the iron gate and told me to have a good rest when it was late, I went up the stairs and there were iron gates on every floor. It was a hassle. I climbed to the fifth floor

But San Lingxu is actually a bunch of people sleeping in the classroom. I don't quite understand, so I lay down on the terrazzo floor and waxed it. I didn't clean the floor at all. I played with a lump of wax.

Some of the others sleep on the side table, some on their tummy, and some on a shared couch I don't know what's going on I just play with my wax

Suddenly someone got up to use the toilet

Ask who I am, how do I know who I am, and I say I don't know

He was surprised. He looked at the clothes I was wearing. He said he recognized the clothes from last year's game. He said I was impersonating.

I'm not sure, but I think it makes sense. Then many people woke up and the lights were still on. It turned out that there were a lot of girls and some male and female students said I was a pervert. I couldn't explain it clearly, and I didn't know who the teacher called me.

When I came back here, there were also men. As soon as I started scolding me, the boys went out and dragged some boys out. The female students said you are the only one here. You are a pervert.

Well, it was a little less process, but it made sense. I left the remote control and didn't return it. I walked out of the school building and went to the farthest place. I was still playing with the remote control. I hope they sleep peacefully. Listening to the iron door opening and closing, I walked around the school building and felt This will run out of electricity and leave.

Later, I went back to the dormitory, I guessed it was the dormitory, because there was a small table that I used in college, and I thought that the remote control was still covered with wax.

Halfway through the walk, I went to the water pipe and I saw myself, I, actually, I saw a bullying video where I was forcing others to drink bubble tea

I thought how could such a thing happen and it's 40 minutes long. It's really bullying. The video is super short, but it keeps repeating. Others are interview documentaries.

At that time, it was obviously immortal grass iced milk tea, although the classmate said that he wanted to drink pearl milk tea


Did I do something wrong? After thinking about this, I found the original video of the computer pouring Xiancao iced milk tea. What I poured is really Xiancao iced milk tea.


Later, I jumped to the campus of the university. I haven't been there. I was a freshman. It was a strange event. Two seniors set up a mourning hall.

It seems that some supernatural research community wants to deceive black and white impermanence in some way. It can be very dangerous, but immortality is the purpose of senior sister, right?

Do you need to cover the entire department hall in white? I don't understand it, just look at them digging deep holes

Dig to the underworld

There's a ditch in the underworld, not even red brick

There is a gatekeeper wearing a very fake costume in the 1990s Bao Qingtian style

Aerial View

fudifudifudifudifudifudifudifu also soil also soil also Tumen soil also soil also soil also return import export export export export export export export export export export export export mouth mouth mouth mouth mouth mouth mouth mouth mouth mouth mouth mouth mouth mouth mouth mouth mouth mouth mouth mouth mouth mouth mouth Mouth back, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock Tutu Tumen Tu Tu Tu Tu Tu Tu Ling Tang Human World Human World My World Human World Human World Human World Human World Human World Human World Human World Human World Human World Human World Human World Human World Human World Human World Human World Human World Human World Human World Human World Human World Human World Human World Human World

The bird's eye view is probably like this. I walked in and the doorman didn't say anything. He was holding something that looked like a stalk scale.

From a closer look, it is very fantastic Shaw Brothers style. His whole person is like a fake ancient costume. And at first glance, he knows that he has been in the underworld for a long time.

It's not a zombie and it's not scary. I don't know how to describe it. If you see it, you will feel that age spots are just pimples. Anyone who wants to go for a laser should have seen this face.

He didn't talk to me, looked at me, didn't look at me

turn a blind eye


Escape the abyss behind my head

I waited for him for a while and thought it was polite enough, so I walked along the adobe road.

It turns out that there are actually many doors

Some gates don't even have gatekeepers, so I go to the next floor of the underworld

Floor by floor I found similar knockback corridors

is a ring

Dirt roads are very similar to some. There are flowers and grasses, lantana, morning glory, Xianfeng grass, which is very close to the people. I am very relieved.

Originally thought that the center was the real underworld, because the first ring and the first ring road were not straight, and the end was bent.

If I have a door, I will break through if no one is there, or I will walk around and knock on the road until I meet the door.

Later, I found out that the road can actually bend in different directions. I originally thought that if you go inward and go to the next floor, you can also bend out to the direction I came in. The hell is not a center at all. There is no center at all.

My bird's eye view is probably wrong and shameful

I want to say that I probably won't see King Yama, and if I see it, I can't draw it, so I will go back the same way. Anyway, I remember it very clearly.

Going back, I found a gatekeeper

will follow me

When I walked, they would follow and change to the gatekeeper. I was very tired from walking, although I remember that the road took a lot of detours to get around the gatekeeper. Then I stumbled upon it.

I saw that the mourning hall in the human world is only two floors away from me, but there are gatekeepers and I recognize the Shaw Brothers scale in the hand of the gatekeeper.

But if I go around again, it's hard to come back

I asked the gatekeeper I didn't know

You can borrow ㄍ ㄨ…

He just let me go

Step back to the outermost corridor and talk to the Shaw Brothers gatekeeper

Excuse me

His stalk scale began to turn into a lot of small plastic beads, pseudo-glazed small circles, Styrofoam balls, painted with advertising paint, painted off, tied with fishing line, and tied with a super ugly knot. The balls slowly flowed out from the front of the stalk scale. The circle rolls back and forth along the line, slides the twitch flow, and staggers the rows and columns

Arranged in a pattern, it looks like a curtain and a screen. It's ugly enough

But I didn't dare to rant about him I was worried about one thing and he spoke up

He said he remembered it, I just looked carefully at those arrangements, probably the road I just walked.

I remembered Zhang Sanfeng teaching Zhang Wuji, I walked back and forgot

He said give it to you, then turn the stalk scale for me so that I can have a good handle

A little hesitant, I'll go on

The handle is hot and sweaty

It turns out that it won't be hot. My worry is superfluous, but I think it's more polite for him to wipe off the sweat.

As soon as I walked back to the mourning hall, I looked back at him. He had a stalk in his hand, and he was facing me, but he was not looking at my face, like a blue sky and an ancient costume.

I went back to the door behind him, but it turned into a door leading to the abyss. I didn't know what to say. I didn't ask him anything. I thought about it.

ㄨㄛ I forgot to say thank you to the gatekeeper who I borrowed from seconds. It's rude, and I forgot to say something to the Shaw Brothers gatekeeper, hey, let's go next time

I just took the ugly stalk scale and the plastic bead curtain picture has not moved or the ugly artist is indeed the route I traveled back to the mourning hall

Both seniors are dead. The experiment was unsuccessful. The other seniors and sisters were hosting a celebration party. I didn't bother to care about them.

dream memorized

I hope it can comfort everyone, Gui Yue, don't scare yourself


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