Beginners do not step on the thunder when entering the currency circle - grasp these six important principles, so that you can enter the currency circle painlessly!

Taiwan Crypto
For beginners in cryptocurrency, may it often feel safe to invest in Bitcoin? Will the money I invest go back and forth? In addition, there are many terms in the currency circle. I don’t know what they mean. The investment threshold is so high that it is easy to be discouraged. The six-point principle, and read each article once, so that you can at least find out the outline of the currency circle, so as not to step on the thunder.

Six principles for beginners to enter the currency circle

  • Filter information carefully

Because the cryptocurrency market is an emerging market, many people want to make a profit, and fraudulent groups are no exception. There are many Line messages, po posts of Facebook groups, etc., which all contain fraudulent information. High income and high compensation are used as bait to attract the general public to take the bait, so the most important thing is to stop and listen when you see information, and stop to see if this is really such a high pay? Check online to see if this is really the case? Even listen to see if there are any victims online.

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  • Continue to supplement the nutrition of cryptocurrency

Knowing that Bitcoin and blockchain only have a basic understanding of the industry, if you want to improve the accuracy of investment, you should read more news in this currency circle, because from the news you can know about the upgrade of cryptocurrency Announcements, regulatory actions of the government, opinions of celebrities or companies on cryptocurrencies, etc., all of which will have a long-term and short-term impact on the currency price. If you are too lazy to watch the news, you can listen to it on podcast. If you don’t know about it, you will gradually get a lot of nutrients from cryptocurrency.

---> Listen to Podcast Learn Cryptocurrency

---> Learn to learn the common language of the villagers in the currency circle

---> Taiwan Crypto Trend News

  • Compare buying channels

While supplementing nutrition, you can also start thinking about how to enter the market, and compare which channel of buying coins is most suitable for you. Basically, the channels for buying coins include credit card, PayPal, remittance, supermarket, etc. The deposit services provided by each platform are different. All are the same, so you can take a look at whether the platform you choose has your ideal deposit channel.

---> How to buy coins?

  • Decide where to invest

After buying the currency, you can start trying to decide the direction of investment. It depends on whether you want to buy the currency and wait for it to rise, just like buying foreign currency. A safe method. For short-term investment, it can be matched with the financial derivatives of the exchange. Each financial derivative has different ways to play, but in the high-volatility currency circle, the risk of playing financial derivatives is high, but it is also profitable. fast.

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  • Rational investment, continuous investment

After you buy the first cryptocurrency in your life, you are welcome to enter the world of cryptocurrencies, but the above precautions must be supplemented continuously, and you must remember to invest rationally, because when the currency price continues to soar, every It is easy for individuals to FOMO (fear of missing out), and then they will buy at the high point. If they buy and fall too fast, they will be too afraid of continuing to lose money and choose to exit early. This is what is said in the currency circle. Cut leeks. Therefore, in addition to buying low and selling high, it is recommended that continuous investment can reach the average cost.

Understand the investment tools commonly used in the currency circle ---> common investment methods in the currency circle

This article is purely personal opinion and does not mean any investment advice. Investment must be risky, and you must make your own research and judgment before investing.

Want to know more about cryptocurrencies---> Taiwan Crypto


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