How do you think about content when running a community? 7 Ways to Get Inspired

"Don't force me!" This should be what the friends who run the community often shout in their hearts, inspiration is something that looks good, doesn't it! After several years of accumulated experience, I found that inspiration can actually be inspired. Here are some small sharings. Would you like to come and have a look?

Why is his creative inspiration always flowing?

Most inspirations will slowly sprout from life. If you are a friend who often closes doors and windows and refuses to absorb external information, the first thing to do is to open up contact with the outside world, try to understand the incentives for crowds to gather, and the degree of discussion is high. topics, the joy of life, etc., evaluating content related to your own industry, or even trying to join clubs, attend lectures, chat with friends in the industry, or try to participate in things in different fields, all of which help to develop new ideas.

Brain stimulation techniques that beginners can master

In addition to not blindly following others, making your own brand or tonality into four dissimilarities, diversified development and thinking are allowed. Different industries may have areas that need to be adjusted or are not applicable. You can consider and refer to them, and you are more than welcome to put forward your ideas for discussion!

. 7 Ways to Get Inspired

  1. Observe and record the big and small things in life, the behavior patterns of random passers-by, prepare small notebooks or mobile phones, such as Line, it is also very convenient to set up a chat room to talk to yourself, and it is mainly based on personal habits.
  2. Track news, current affairs or trending topics, but don't force content that doesn't fit your brand's tonality when you apply it.
  3. Use diverse social media to understand usage patterns, and try joining fan clubs, societies, or chat groups that are relevant to you or that stimulate ideas or cross-applications.
  4. Research what competitors are doing (of course not competitors), dismantle the key points of the post and absorb them, but don't plagiarize!
  5. In search engines or major social platforms, search for relevant keywords to collect reference examples.
  6. Interleave "people, events, times, places, and things" with "knowledge and common sense, news and current affairs, jokes, trends, and promotional content".
  7. List a variety of nouns, adjectives, and verbs related to the main axis of this time, grab the two key points that you want to emphasize, and think about the extended content.

. Community content idea process

  1. Search a lot of data
  2. break down, analyze, absorb
  3. Find others to discuss
  4. Think about opportunities to collaborate or increase exposure
  5. Create community content

The difference between community content and blogs is a small number of key points, which is often referred to as "simple and rude", and converts professional content into vernacular, close to life, and even fun ways to communicate with fans. The part of this sharing is the creation of community content, and how it can be seen by more people, in addition to the splendor of the content, interaction status and fate, that is the advertising strategy, let us continue to discuss.

Network information and gadget sharing

What should I do when I encounter creative bottlenecks?

Sometimes maybe you just need to relax your mind, go back to our content above, and stimulate yourself through external stimulation!


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chiao嗨,我是Chiao阿巧,目前為自由接案者!在品牌行銷、電商企劃、影片企劃、社群行銷翻滾了5年,發現「行銷」是填不滿的大深淵。誠摯邀請想踏進深淵的你,趕緊呼喚我,讓我們敲敲行銷的大門,一起一探究竟吧 🙂 個人網站
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