You can send your name to Mars!


Ever dreamed of leaving a name in a way beyond the universe?

Recently, NASA plans to launch an interesting activity called "Send Names to Mars". When the Perseverance rover successfully landed on Mars in February, NASA also launched the names of nearly 11 million people to the distant red planet. Luckily, for those who missed it, there will still be a "send name to Mars" activity on the follow-up mission.

To participate, simply fill out NASA's registration form along with your name, country and zip code. If you also fill in your email address, you'll be placed on a "frequent flyer" list, and NASA will send a notification every time a rover lands on Mars. Names submitted will be reviewed by space agency administrators, and NASA has pledged not to violate privacy and use the information for commercial marketing.

The names will be etched into a microchip and set off to Mars, and for now, this may be the only ticket to the Red Planet. If you want to register, please visit the official website for details:


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