Love doesn't come from "chasing"


I often see that there are many articles or videos on the Internet that teach people how to chase their favorite objects. From the outside to the inside, there are many professional teachings, such as how to chat to be interesting, first date skills, and how to be more attractive. People wait, but, can learning these really make your sweetheart like you?

My answer is no.

Because there is a prerequisite for the success of the above methods, that is, the other party must have a "favorable impression" of you, otherwise doing too much will be futile or even have the opposite effect, and the other party may find you annoying.

For example, if the person you like gives you a bowl of hot porridge when you are sick, you may think he is very caring and therefore like him more, but on the contrary, a person who does not like you does the same thing, you will feel the same Maybe you will thank him, but in fact, it is more of a burden, there will be a kind of "why are you so good to me" or doubt that the other party has a purpose.

My idea is that love can be "actively" fought, but the initiative must be limited, and you must know how to judge how the other person feels about you. Don't just pay ignorantly, be nice to others, and ask questions all day long. Because these will not move each other, nor will people like you, but will push the relationship further and further.

And many times we know that the other party doesn't like you at all, but he just doesn't want to accept the truth.

To sum up, if you like someone, the first thing you have to do is to "release your good feelings", let the other person know your feelings, and wait for his response. If he is not active, you can throw it again, but after a few times, the other person is still not very good. If there is a response, then stop the loss in time. Sometimes the relationship is really destined. If you don’t like it, you don’t like it. No matter how hard you try, it’s useless. All you can do is wait for the next scene that is cuter and more suitable for you.


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