Get Hot - Matters Achievement List

Keep the heart of an apprentice and still work hard.

I was encouraged (not 😂) to join Matters by a friend, and it's been about three months now. Not very active, I post when I have inspiration, read when I have time, clap my hands, and make money.

The success of Chuanyunjian is inseparable from the support and encouragement of friends. I will continue to write more quality articles and create more wonderful things in my imperfect life.

Don't talk nonsense, the picture above~

The Hong Kong dollar withdrawn at Matters is for your support in several Ukrainian fund-raising activities held by Hans@维民所zhi. Thanks again to everyone who donated. Hans transferred the Hong Kong dollars to me through support, and I then donated them into U.S. dollars through Stripe. The accumulated handling fee is over HKD 100. Of course, I paid out of my own pocket and made up for the difference in handling fees~

I didn't expect the LGBT article to be so popular. It may have touched the hearts of everyone and stepped on some people's tails. I'm happy, but not inflated by it.

Well, when will the red envelope arrive (I am a money fan🤦‍)


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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