See Ming and Qing dynasties from "Grandpa's Migraine"

Photo by Gigi on Unsplash

Recently, I watched Jay Chou's previous song MV " Father-in-law Migraine ". This is a funny and funny song. In fact, it is quite entertaining, but I saw some history and looked back to the old times.

I'm sorry for readers who thought it was a light-hearted article at the beginning of this song, but this article is actually serious, please don't be surprised.

Eunuch Era

The song is " Father -in-law" as the protagonist, and the background of the MV is naturally the Ming Dynasty.
In Chinese history, the two eunuchs were in power during the Tang Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty. However, the Tang Dynasty was far away from us. Generally, when we think of our father -in-law at this moment, we intuitively think of the Ming Dynasty, which is the era of secret agents with east factories and west factories .

The emperor in the MV has a desolate tone and looks like a dazed emperor, which is also similar to most of the emperors in the Ming Dynasty.
Ming Dynasty was vilified like this, but it was not wrong at all.

Historians all call the Ming Dynasty a "great dark age". The so-called great darkness is not only the darkness of political affairs, the darkness of the judiciary, but also the darkness of academic thought.

The Great Dark Age of Ming Dynasty

 The Yuan Dynasty stagnated Chinese culture for nearly a century because Mongolia suppressed the freedom of thought of the Han Chinese.

I thought that the Han nationality would be in power and restore China would bring light. I didn't expect that the Ming Dynasty used cruel and inhumane suppression to consolidate the imperial power from the very beginning. After that, the factory and guard organs were spread across the country like the Internet, and they became secret agents to govern the country. The emperor can Skip the judiciary to control people and officials, convict and execute them, and form a reign of terror.

The reign of terror also includes distorted cultural suppression. Zhu Yuanzhang and Ming Chengzu Zhu Di’s literary prisons led to the death of many literati. The imperial examination system was changed to a stricter eight-legged essay , and in addition to Confucianism, Zhu Xiercheng's Neo-Confucianism (which can be called the strict doctrine of Confucianism ) was set as the center.

At a time when the West was opening up and reforming one after another (Japan was also forced to reform at the time of the Black Ship Incident and began to modernize), the thinking of the Ming Dynasty was still rigidified by the Four Books and Five Classics of Neo-Confucianism, and there was no development.

Some people say that China was divided up by foreign powers at the end of the Qing Dynasty. It was not the single reason for the corruption of the Qing court. In fact, this tragic foundation had already been planted in the Ming Dynasty. In the early Qing Dynasty, the culture of the Jurchen nationality was relatively low, and there was nothing wrong with using the formal Confucianism of the Han nationality to govern the country.

Most of the emperors of the Qing Dynasty were excellent, and even if they did not make achievements, it was a job of recognition, and they were not as deviant as most of the emperors of the Ming Dynasty.

For example, the Wanli Emperor Zhu Yijun did not go to the court for 30 years to deal with the affairs of the state. , when Zhu Yijun grew up and Zhang Juzheng died, it changed completely).

The Qing Dynasty was much more brilliant than the Ming Dynasty simply because "it did not reuse eunuchs."

When we say "corrupt the Qing Dynasty", it's not really objective

Also because most of the emperors of the Qing Dynasty worked hard and almost never fainted the emperor, this is worthy of encouragement. In the late period, when we say the corrupt Manchu Qing, we should actually mean the corrupt China . As long as the politics is rigid and not reformed, the society cannot progress, no matter who is in charge. Political capital can not stop foreign guns and foreign guns, and ultimately corruption .

The government cannot resist the retreat and humiliation of foreign enemies. It is inevitable that officials will follow the trend of corruption, and official corruption will be followed by the people's rebound, and it will get out of hand.

Even so, I still think that the Qing Dynasty was still in the prosperous era of Kang, Yong, Qian and Qian, and the revival and prosperity surpassed China's prosperity. If it was the Ming Dynasty, I am afraid that China would have become the territory of foreign powers early .

Back to easy in-law migraine

Back to the lighthearted "Grandpa's Migraine" MV, there are zombies jumping around, but it's Qing Dynasty clothing? Zombies in the Ming Dynasty are Qing Dynasty costumes? Is this crossing?

Haha, everyone only knows that the Chinese zombies jumping around should be wearing Qing Dynasty clothes . If they were wearing Ming Dynasty clothes, would you not understand? So don't worry about it, just be happy.

  • Article 2020.10.13
  • Addition 2021.10.13
 Note: The Ming Dynasty was not without excellent emperors and prosperous times. For example, when Zhu Qiyu of the Ming Dynasty appointed his minister Yu Qian, it was a very good political Qingming period, and there were no eunuchs in power during this period.


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