Small talk|What is your most feared creature? I am most afraid of cockroaches! !


To avoid someone being uncomfortable, and to prevent myself from smashing my phone after seeing the picture, I drew a slightly cute picture myself.

I really don't understand why there are such creatures as cockroaches? A creature that has lived on the earth for hundreds of millions of years. Water will not die, the refrigerator will not die, and sometimes pesticides are useless. There is probably only one magic weapon that can cure it, and that is slippers!

Even if it is destroyed, the moment it hits it is very evil...

In my impression, I didn't seem to be so afraid of cockroaches before. It seems that I have been afraid of him since I read a certain article, and I don't remember the details clearly.

Every time I see a cockroach, I...

Ah ah ah ah ah! ! ! shouted,

And my mother said calmly, what's the name, what's the name, and then took a slipper, ㄆㄧㄚ! After I hit it, I didn't even dare to look at the picture, because it was so vile.

Although my mother can be very calm when she sees cockroaches, she is afraid of Laya, a type of spider.


Although he is very big, I am not afraid of him. I used to hear people say that his urine is poisonous, which is actually nonsense. I watched Discovery before, and this spider is non-venomous and very timid. Approaching, he will run and hide by himself, which is why I am not afraid of him.

Every time this kind of spider appears, it will be replaced and shouted. At this time, it is my turn to go out. As soon as I get close to the spider, the spider will immediately disappear without a trace, and I don't even need to fight! ! !

So, ah, is this the so-called concept of one thing overcoming one thing?

Does anyone have a creature to fear? Or is anyone afraid of cockroaches too?


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