Begins and ends

2010-10-06 01:01:34

Life is just like the first sight

Goodbye at first sight

Goodbye is gone

Begins and ends

No expectation and no nostalgia

Not ruthless nor childish flashes

After breaking my shackles, I found

Both witches and heroes are played by me

The spell and hope are all in my hand

The world is God and I play the dice

crazy unbridled

moved to cry

Cozy Sudden

Life can still be like this

in the moment of daze

In front of the floor-to-ceiling windows flooded with sunlight

In the afternoon when I remember your smile

turn out to be:


no longer swear

no longer bound by any oath

Stop indulging in the gambler's fallacy

no longer believe in any probability

no longer count on any savior

no longer expect to be rescued


the sea is mine

time is mine

I am mine


I am free.

I am free

no longer live for others

really start breathing for yourself

cry for yourself laugh for yourself

god dying

and I live forever

Begins and ends

start for yourself

end for oneself

Start every kill seriously for yourself


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