
When I look back, the buildings around me start to explode and collapse from a distance

When I looked back, the surrounding buildings began to explode and collapse from a distance. I was terrified and wanted to find a place to hide. I saw a small room behind me, and the people inside were waving at me. I ran to where I tried my best, He stretched out his hand and pulled me, I ducked in and saw the collapse getting closer to us, smoke and screaming people running around, just as the door was about to close, I closed my eyes hoping it would stop there Or safe and sound, but the next moment I woke up from the dream sweating all over...  

When I woke up in the morning, I asked myself how much I thought about the end of the world

Can dream so real

I looked at the time and it was only 6:00 in the morning

I rubbed my blocked nose and continued to fall asleep


The dream went on and on

is an incredible connection

I don't know how to describe the scene in the dream

As a result, I woke up again

Back pain all over the body, sweating profusely

Looking at the cold air with a temperature of 24 degrees

I sighed and ruffled my hair with my hands

Sitting on the bed like a mad woman

Smoked a few chewing gum-flavored e-cigarettes

try to clear the nose

It's better, but it's not completely smooth

I buried my head in the quilt and screamed like a cat with fried fur

and said to himself with a doomsday look on his face

Not being able to sleep well is the end of the world for me ah ah ah ah ah!

The above complaints are over, friends who mistakenly think it is a great article, thank you for reading the boring complaining article 😂


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

末日毒藥一個世界末日後的殘存者,很兩極,沒有性別,只有靈魂,不懂得愛,卻熱愛寫愛。我不能給什麼承諾,但我可以答應,就算世界末日,還有我在。❤️ 追蹤和拍手都會回拍和追蹤呦!❤️
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