Created — the Cross Chain DeFi Note

Try the platform connecting Cosmos and Ethereum

Umee is a cross-chain platform built on Cosmos, which can connect Cosmos and Ethereum. It is currently in the testing phase, and users can go to Umee's official Discord to receive test tokens.

I got 1 ATOM and 0.5 UMEE, wow! It's developed, don't get too excited, it's a beta version.

1 capsule of ATOM received is ridiculously fake:

Played half ATOM, half left

Did you notice the difference there?

The real ATOM is like this.

See the difference?

The real ATOM is under Cosmos Hub, and the beta version is ATOM under ATOM.

To try it out, go to

connect Keplr and Metamask

The upper right corner shows connected

After Connected, UMEE will be automatically added to Keplr

There is IBC on the right hand side, transfer ATOM IBC to UMEE account

Transfer the ATOM bridge that just finished IBC to UMEE

Then go to Ethereum with the UMEE bridge completed by the UMEE bridge

In Metamask, the Goerli test network is automatically added.

But my bridged token is gone.

Although I lost the test token, I tried it myself 😅.


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