[My Favorite Cartoon Character] Little Maruko will never grow up


Xiaoping and Weishan are my good friends. We only met in 1989, and soon we became good friends. Although we went to different schools, we all knew each other because we liked watching the cartoon "Cherry Maruko".

We like watching Maruko for different reasons. Wei Shan started watching Maruko because she heard Maruko's theme song and was attracted by the brisk and lively melody, no matter if it's the Japanese version of "Let's Dance" , or the Cantonese version of "There Are More Questions Every Day", she was fascinated; Xiaoping fell in love with this cartoon because of Xiaowanzi's cute appearance, and I was moved by Xiaowanzi's Buddhist attitude towards life and funny plots Now, I have become a big fan of Maruko.

Xiaoping's father is an electrical repairman. Weishan grew up in a single-parent family. The family was very poor and could not afford a TV. My family was well-off, so I owned this "doll box" very early. There is a story about how we met.

In those days, people’s lives were relatively simple, and there was no entertainment at night. Most people watched TV after get off work or when they came home from school. At dusk, children’s programs were usually broadcast. I would finish my homework as soon as possible, and then start watching for an hour or two. One day, the TV at home broke down, and my mother took it to a nearby repair shop for repair, which is the repair shop opened by Xiaoping’s father. It was repaired in two days, and my mother and I went to take it home. , but my mother forgot to bring her wallet. She asked me to wait in the store for her to come back. During the waiting time, Xiao Ping's father just turned on the TV and let me and her daughter Xiao Ping sit in the store. When the theme song was playing, there was a thin little girl standing outside the store, staring at the TV screen with bright eyes. Xiaoping saw the child standing outside the store very tired, so she called her in. Sitting together and watching Xiao Wanzi, she is Wei Shan.

If I remember correctly, the little Maruko that was broadcast that day described her having lunch in the cafeteria after class. Little Maruko's character likes to make things that are bitter and sweet, but in her lunch box that day, her mother prepared delicious food for her. Eel rice, other than that, I don’t like to eat the other side dishes. Due to the school regulations, you can’t be picky eaters and you can’t waste food. To finish all the meals in the lunch box, Xiao Wanzi decided to put the worst carrots first. Eat and then order the last to enjoy the delicious eel. All the unpalatable things in front of me were eaten one by one. When I was about to enjoy the last delicious dish, an earthquake suddenly occurred. The things placed around the canteen began to shake. Xiao Wanzi quickly hid under the table. After the earthquake was over, Xiao Wanzi Climbing out from under the table, he found that the food in the lunch box was crushed by the falling things. The delicious eel was too delicious to eat. Xiao Wanzi regretted why he didn't make it sweet first and then bitter. Seeing this, we all smiled knowingly, and everyone seemed to have a feeling of heart-to-heart connection. Since that day, we have often met together to watch Little Maruko, play together and talk to each other.

After five years, our communication was interrupted by social changes. As the 1997 approached, the family lacked confidence in the future of Hong Kong. The parents decided to emigrate the whole family abroad. Wei Shan's mother remarried, but she did not. She took her away and raised her at her grandmother's house, and later went to work in a nightclub to make a living; Xiaoping's father's repair shop could not survive because electrical appliances became cheaper and cheaper. , and has since lost contact with her.

There is no eternal feast in the world. As for whether there is an eternal friendship, I am not sure, but the sincere and happy storyline of Xiaowanzi will be missed forever. The 15th also bid farewell to us, but her creations made many people have a happy childhood and left us with a happy memory together!


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