LikeCoin's march to Web3, will it be a failure of human nature experiment or a successful result of business rational discussion

熊太先森|NFT 社群研究
This article is not meant to bombard anything - I'm just thinking, because there seem to be other voices outside the stratosphere.

First of all, congratulations to @appreciative citizen republic for moving in the direction of its own ideal, making the admiring citizen take a step towards Web3. Ben Xiong believes that in Matters and Liker Social, most users welcome this change, this is because everyone has long been @appreciativeCivil RepublicThe members are always friendly and diligently caring, teaching, understanding To the existence and value of Web3. However, for other users who didn't use Matters or Liker Social, perhaps such a shift would cause confusion, even disgust.

In this article, Ben Xiong does not want to speak up for these doubtful stakeholders, but wants to talk about Ben Xiong's small position on this change. Fortunately, Ben Xiong is not a celebrity, and he does not have a large number of followers and fans for the time being, making himself a part of the "media", so this small position should not affect anything.

Use LikeCoin because it's part of a cryptocurrency?
Do not. Just because of "turning praise into appreciation".

The reason why Ben Xiong used LikeCoin in the first place was only because he found that the words "turning praise into appreciation" were written on their promotion. At that time, it was an era when Facebook was popular, and Douyin was not yet very popular. When we did some publications or commissioned publicity, we all used Facebook.

However, at that time, no matter how many posts and articles were posted on Facebook, and how many of their own works and ideas were shared, they were almost all overwhelmed by Facebook's constant adjustment of policies, and the dissemination rate was getting lower and lower, not to mention their politics in the later period. What does it look like. And for creators like us who are still not well-known, sometimes we still need a little bit of working capital - for domain applications, app purchases, application for event booths, etc., so we still pay attention to "income" Have requests.

So using LikeCoin was a logical move for us. For five dollars a month, you can give this little fee to your favorite articles. Ben Xiong really likes this idea. At the same time, LikeCoin has indeed brought us a second income from writing, and our articles have become valuable as a result, which really brings us convenience and another business opportunity.

However, because Ben Xiong really likes the idea of "rewarding the work", not the author himself, Ben Xiong did not participate in the Appreciation Citizen 2.0. Rather than fully supporting a "great author I don't know very well", I want to support a work that I really agree with. What's more, it's a pity that Ben Bear's favorite author doesn't use LikeCoin.

Join Appreciation Citizen, because you know the structure of the blockchain?
Do not. Just because there was a mass threshold at that time.

The original LikeCoin can be paid by credit card, which is one of the important selling points for users who have not been exposed to cryptocurrencies and blockchain.

For other examples, you can refer to the NFT plan of the square grid. Ben Xiong, a person who had no interest in NFTs, also bought their NFTs. First, the first two waves were paid in fiat currency, and the price was reasonable. Second, Ben Xiong has Using their platform, so can a little fantasize about what follow-up to their NFTs, and how they do things. In fact, when everyone in the Discord group shared the reason why they would buy Fanggezi NFT, many shared that they were a novice, and the reason for the purchase was only because this NFT could be paid in fiat currency, which made many people even " People who know what "Fox Wallet" is, or people who are still wondering about the cryptocurrency world, can try a very low threshold method to join and become a member of Web3.

This group of people can muster the courage to leave their comfort zone, and so are our group of people who use LikeCoin. Ben Xiong believes that this is something everyone should be proud of. However, while being proud, one should also realize that "fiat currency payment" is undoubtedly a novice-level threshold for the public, and because of this threshold, Ben Xiong has successfully introduced friends to understand and use LikeCoin's services.

In the past, I only had to say to interested friends, "Come and apply for an account, pay, and you can become an appreciative citizen. Your clapping will have greater power to give you the authors or works you admire, and if you want to see your own Earn, download this app.”

As for the future, how can I promote LikeCoin to more people? "If you want to join now, you have to go to a certain exchange to buy ATOM, then transfer it to another place, then transfer it to LikeCoin, and then delegate it to their node; and if you don't want to apply for an account elsewhere, then you can Save your coins slowly , or I'll lend you ..."

It feels a little weird.

The source of the opposition, the lack of publicity is a major reason

Ben Xiong is a person who reads emails a lot, but sometimes he misses things because of his busy life, not to mention that sometimes emails are put in the publicity area. One of the reasons why Ben Xiong was able to help others to participate in the " ISCN Rock Festival " (for details, please refer to "Those About Hong Kong People's Alternative Protests: Ninety-nine ISCN Records of ImYours" ), one of the reasons is that I saw other people's writing in Matters. Articles, not via email or other social media:

Emails are buried in the emails in the publicity area; social media—especially Facebook, not only does not automatically display relevant publicity, but even relevant knowledge is difficult to see, it can be seen that it is still difficult for the public to access blockchain-related knowledge unless they have entered the block. Chainworld, become the users of those blockchain platforms, such as Matters, Liker Social, Potato Media , etc. , and have not mentioned those users who use related platforms but are still independent portals .

As a result, many LikeCoin users start anew after applying and understanding how to use it, and continue their daily life on their usual posting platform. They won't see everyone's publicity, they won't see the workshops spontaneously initiated by everyone or validators, they won't see the benefits of LikeCoin's changes, and they won't see the possibility of Web3.

Mass, Humanity and Reason

Is the problem over here? Do not. The bigger problem comes from the "public".

Now, Ben Xiong believes that everyone in the industry will not deny that there are still many people who are still reluctant to leave their comfort zone and try to understand what blockchain is. Many people still stay in their world, and many of these people still live in the era of using fiat currency, thinking that art is now just a cheap labor product, and the phone is used for playing mobile games or for daily contact, chatting and making friends, watching Watch online videos.

In their world, it’s possible that they still don’t know that Ukraine and Russia might have to use a cane. They only know that the restaurants they usually visit have increased their prices... Ben Xiong didn’t want to blame, but Ben Xiong There is such a presence around. So, how are these people going to deal with it? "Since society is making progress, people who are unwilling to move forward will be automatically eliminated in the future"? "Or is it technological advancement that one day they will have to accept it"? This kind of practical problem, of course, is not discussed by Ben Xiong.

However, an institution that wants to achieve change, or even aspire to become a decentralized platform (or organization?) and realize "liquid democracy", can definitely understand that some cruel and troublesome states will occur in a change. . Before, this change may have been a sensational Brexit, but now this change is that LikeCoin, which may become the next important part of the future, accelerates its transition to the Web3 model.

In particular, one of the uses of LikeCoin is "sustainable publishing", and Ben bear is also convinced that the future of LikeCoin is still bright because of this function.

It's a pity that not everyone will delve into more things just because they have something. In fact, instead of receiving knowledge to improve themselves, most people want others to understand their own state: when they are understood, they will be recognized and interested; if they are not understood, they will be disgusted and refuse to face it.

Looking at this change, Ben Xiong may finally turn into a simple human experiment: in this stratosphere, you are deeply cared for by professionals, and you can happily integrate into the LikeCoin circle, benefiting, progressing, and thus supporting; For those in the heterosphere, LikeCoin may be just a business tool for them for the time being, to increase their income, and they have no interest in knowing what the group behind them is planning, just like some people will put a certain The "Notices of Amendments to Privacy Regulations" that some companies send to customers' emails from time to time are fleeting and will soon be thrown into the recycling bin.

However, if Web3 will be a big picture related to the way the world works, and if the initial propaganda methods of admiring citizens also easily involve the public, then this group of people may become an obstacle to the next development.

Resistance and assistance, abandonment and abandonment

Whether it's abandonment or being abandoned, both feelings can be uncomfortable. This time the revision, Ben Xiong believes that it is really sudden for people who are not in the stratosphere, and for most of the Chinese who are relatively slow to heat up, it is a storm that tells the story of "abandonment when you want to abandon it" . However, Ben Xiong thinks that some users are ordinary creators and part of long-term customers, but they are only addicted to their own creations and fan base.

Is this a wrong thing to do? Do not. If they have their own customer base, the fact that they don't have to call on people to use LikeCoin or something will be one of the reasons for their abandonment, and Ben Xiong thinks things have turned too weird. On the other hand, isn’t it more beneficial to face up to this group of authors who have their own client base and try to make them a part of themselves, even assisting in publicity? It has been waiting for the public, users, and creators to come to understand and recognize the propaganda method, but did not pursue the victory, and successfully made the other party understand that "LikeCoin is not only a tool, but also a circle, a world, and an attitude", which may also be a failure of propaganda. one.


The above are just Ben Xiong's personal opinions and records of observations, and do not intend to accuse any party. All parties are welcome to leave more data and opinions on the premise of letting go of all personal feelings and emotional remarks. Ben Xiong wrote this article just to analyze the situation from a rational point of view. At the same time, Ben Xiong has not had any personal communication with any LikeCoin developers. Therefore, if Ben Xiong has any misunderstanding, please leave a message.

By the way, "The Battle of Brexit" starring Benedict Cumberbatch is very good.

This article is also published in Matters , Grid and Penana .

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