[My Bird Day in Royal Construction] 22. Inspection Unit

Mr. Engineer工程先生

The day after finishing the transcript, I just came to work, and everything was very different from yesterday.

A blockade was formed outside the construction site, and a large-scale police force was stationed at the construction site. All the workers stood at the gate of the construction site, but were blocked from the door. The workers who could not stand the wait walked outside the construction site and asked the director to explain. The whole mess became a mess.

Zheng just saw Sir Li and asked, "Sir Li, I, Xiao Lin, what happened? Why can't everyone go in?"

"Oh Xiaolin, haven't you heard? Lin Yuzhou passed away at one o'clock last night. Now this case is confirmed to be murder. Our police will conduct a large-scale search."

"Ah..." Zheng just said nothing.

Although Mr. Li has been a police officer for three years, this is the first time that he has encountered a criminal case. In the past, following the night-time alcohol test, the hotel inspection was already a big event. After all, the public security in Taiwan is not that bad, unlike the news. Horrible incidents happen all day long. Seriously speaking, if the shocking incidents in the news were distributed to each police station area on average, there would not be so many major incidents, but there would be a lot of trivial matters. After all, serving the people, the police can’t choose cases. manage.

The forensics department had already finished the scene earlier, and had been investigating for a long time when Mr. Li was in control, and the flashing lights on the scene kept flashing.

"Sister, do you have any clues?" Sir Li asked a female police officer at the scene who was taking pictures. She was a third-year junior in the previous police university, and she was considered an experienced police officer.

"Don't you know that you should not disturb us when you are working in the forensics department?" Senior Yan Bing glared at Li Zhengdao, "This is your first time working with us, little rookie?" I haven't forgotten to add it jokingly. Such a sentence.

"Senpai, don't blame me. If you haven't heard the news, is it good news? Our jurisdiction is safe."

"Ah, there will be an accident right now, why should the security be good? (Taiwanese) Security is good."

"Hey, so what did you find?"

"This scene is very strange. Look at the opening of this pit. You carried him out on a stretcher yesterday, right? But the problem is, if he is dragged to this place after being hit hard, the opening is on the side. There should be traces of friction, but none at all, not even the traces of you being carried on a stretcher. If someone really has such a powerful technique that will restore the past, it would be impossible to achieve this level in just one day." Yan Bing explained.

"So is it possible that he was knocked unconscious inside?"

"Yes, he probably climbed in by himself."

"Meaning, if he was knocked out first and moved in, then in addition to the friction marks on the opening, there should also be drag marks on the floor, neither of which was found, it is possible that two people walked into the pit. , and then killed again." Li Zhengdao reasoned.

"I can't rule out the possibility. How many of you came down yesterday?"

"Me, Senior Cai, two emergency personnel, and four of their engineering units, there are eight people in total, plus nine victims."

"Well..." Yan Bing was silent in thought.

"What's wrong?"

"Analysis of the footprints at the scene according to the shoe prints shows that there are also nine people, which means that the murderer is among these people. Two of your police officers, two first responders, and one victim are deducted. The murderer should be among the four people in the engineering unit. "

Interrogation room, Director Shen.

For this kind of situation, Director Shen is not surprised. After all, as an occupational safety officer, it is more or less likely to encounter an occupational safety accident. Sometimes it is a force majeure factor, and sometimes it is a human negligence. No matter who the responsibility belongs to, it may be Subpoena, just because of homicide, is really the first time.

"On the day of the crime, besides taking the medical staff down, do you have any other time to be in contact with the deceased?" Detective Hou asked.

"I will inspect the construction site at least twice a day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon, and walk through each floor and room of the whole building to check whether there is any occupational safety risk. Because paint is the main item now, it will definitely come across, so , I met Azhou twice that day."

"At what time?"

"Between nine and ten in the morning, and two and three in the afternoon."

"Did you have a conversation?"

"Yes, he said he wanted to apply for overtime. I went back to the public works office to prepare documents for him to sign."

"Do you have more interactions besides that?"

"Not that day."

"Then how is your relationship with the victim?"

"From my own perspective, I think we're fine."

"Why do you say that? From your own perspective."

"I think it's one thing, others think it's the same thing."

"Then from your own point of view, does he usually have grudges with others?"

Director Shen recounted what he heard in the hospital on the night of the crime. After listening to the police officer Hou, he didn't say much. He pondered for a while and said, "Okay, you can go out. I'll ask you for help if you need it."

"OK, thanks."

When it was Xiao Xu's turn, if you were an inexperienced police officer, you would definitely think he was a prisoner and seemed to be timid. Fortunately, the police officer Hou was an experienced criminal police officer, and his experience told him that Xiao Xu was just frightened.

"I heard that you found it?"

"No...no...it's not just me, but Masako."

"You don't have to be afraid, we are just trying to piece together the information on the day of the incident, not to deal with you."

"I...I...I'm not a criminal, I didn't kill people."

"No murderer will admit to killing himself."

"It seems so." Xiao Xu seemed to have suddenly realized something.

"Did you have any contact with the victim that day?"

Xiao Xu recounted the matter of taking the overtime application form to sign for Azhou that day, and Interpol Hou nodded and said, "Okay, you can go out now."

It's Zhenggang's turn.

Without waiting for the criminal police officer to speak, Zheng just rushed to recount what he heard in the hospital that night. He couldn't hold back the anger in his heart. No matter what he thought, Qin Guan did it.

"We checked the hotel's surveillance cameras. He entered the hotel before the incident, and only left the hotel after the incident. He has sufficient alibi, so it can't be him."

"Don't the hotel have a back door? Won't he go out through the back door?"

"There are monitors at every exit of the hotel." Police Officer Hou said calmly.

"It doesn't make sense, it must be him, who else would it be?"

"It's not him anyway. Besides, with your attitude, our police will suspect whether you want to get out of the crime, so we lead the murderer to another direction."

"I, the most unlikely one is me. If you have anything else to ask, I will tell you honestly."

Detective Hou also asked some routine questions, and Zheng just answered them one by one. After fifteen minutes, Detective Hou also said, "Okay, you can go out."

Finally, Director Lian...

to be continued


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Mr. Engineer工程先生在營造業工作的小小工程師。營造業是個資訊很封閉的行業,所有經驗大部分只能靠業內傳承下來,希望盡自己的一點小小心力,把業內的知識及生活分享給大家 ☛ https://engineeringlifetw.com/
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