[Engineering diary of a liberal arts girl] What have I gotten over the years

I have been in the same job for 4 years, not long or short but enough to change a person. In the past four years, from a stupid college student who entered the engineering field to today, I want to sort out my growth.

When I participated in community activities before, I wrote a text message to myself ten years ago, only to realize that I had come so far on the road from black to white and then to become an engineer. After writing it, I feel reconciled with my younger self. Today is just the second day after quitting my job, and I want to tell my self four years ago thank you for your decision to join the industry instead of other jobs.

me and my colleagues

Because I made this decision four years ago, I have met friends, improved my communication, understood the human species better, and even became a consultation object for everyone. I had a bad peach blossom because of this job, but I also got my current boyfriend, and I feel very happy chatting with him one after another. Here's what I learned:

1/ Better at listening : This job involves a lot of negotiation, negotiation, work arrangements, etc., which all require listening. And when you are cued, you have to understand not only the literal meaning, but also a lot of overtones. In this way, the work can be arranged well and the people's hearts can be comforted. From four years ago when I was devastated, and three years ago when I faced expectations but still felt that I didn’t meet the standard and cried bitterly, to these two years, in the eyes of my new colleagues, it seems like a light weight (I personally feel that I am still practicing). It turned out that I can slowly begin to understand people's hearts.

In addition, it is necessary to receive various information messages for their own use, which also requires strong listening skills. In the past four years, it has gotten better and better, and I can slowly hear that those are poisonous false information, saving a little time for cross-checking.

2/ Work in a more organized manner : There are many things in this job that are very messy and messy, but you can't go wrong. After all, a mistake will involve monetary losses, and more or less the company's losses. I went from being a disorganized chaotic Gemini in college to a systemic chaotic Gemini today. The goal is to become a me who is no longer chaotic, and has the perseverance to use a work system.

3/ Become a time management guru : This job involves dealing with people, lots of documents, complaint handling and site inspections, but only so much in a day. Since the paperwork must be submitted to the client by a certain time, it is important to schedule the time for the communication with the client and the on-site inspection. And at the beginning of every month, there are several afternoons to evaluate the performance with the client until now, which makes things worse. Four years later, from scrambling to become a time management master in the eyes of newcomers, there are days of blood and tears. Thank you for staying through the first two years and making my sense of time clearer.

4/ Better at communicating with people : This has always been a point where I say that it is strong but not short. But after these four years, it has basically doubled. I have mastered the art of speaking more, and how to package my key points is not unpleasant to my ears. These are all things that I lacked in my college days.

5/Learn to deal with stress : I wanted to commit suicide many times during my graduation report four years ago, and I relied on this alcohol to solve my stress in the first year I joined the company. In the second year, I was overwhelmed by expectations, and my heart of wanting to die and violence came back. Unknowingly, it was the third year, and when I really got started, everything suddenly improved. At most, I wanted to shout occasionally. To this day, I still yell, but the number of times is much less, and I know better that my threshold before yelling can be resolved in time.

6/ Improve the skills of turning opponents into friends : I have always been a little proud of this, I am very good at grasping the needs of the opponent and making opponents who have the opportunity to cooperate become partners. In this job, both my client and I have a common goal to deal with, which is all kinds of complaints. In this case, the odds of my success in getting clients to be on the same side as me over the four years have been increasing, but against different people. Really happy about this.

7/ Learn to deal with difficult people : On this earth, there are many people who don't bite the strings with you, and there are also many people who give you headaches. Being able to communicate with these people is important under the motto that one more friend is better than one more enemy. From four years of friction with them, one of them has become a general friend today. Everyone has his own characteristics, and it may not be so difficult to understand and work with each other.

8/ Learned a lot of social skills from colleagues

9/Learn from the same colleague to make good use of the advantages of being a woman at work : I would have been a little bit of this, but after meeting the colleague, I realized that I was only in the novice village. By transforming her approach, she slowly became able to utilize the benefits of being a woman in engineering without distorting herself. For example, showing weakness at the right time, making good use of tears, exerting the softness and smoothness of women, etc., are all derived from her.

10/ Maintain friendly relations with people from many parties : It is necessary for workers to appease customers and complainants, and at the same time, to compete for resources from the boss and not to displease colleagues. Four years ago, I was exhausted, but today I have achieved some results in my practice. This is one of the abilities I am most grateful to learn, because it is so important.

11/ Meeting skills : I have held meetings large and small, and have seen many wrong demonstrations. But I also learned reporting skills from the client's engineers; I learned how to disguise myself as a pig and get praise from my pig teammates; I learned to control the rhythm of a meeting from an engineer who I said I hated but actually respected, etc. and many more. These will not feel real from the book, but it is easy to imitate and learn from the real person.

12/ Use your strengths as a liberal arts person at work

13/ Anyone can be your mentor, be humble : in society, anyone can teach you something. Seniors, clients, workers, foreman, and so on, all of them can teach you a lot, especially in engineering. Workers can be a work encyclopedia worth perusing. In the past two years, there have been more juniors. Everyone has different experiences, so everyone can have a place to communicate and learn from each other. Only by learning from discussions can you always update your experience and grow.

14/Human Observation : This is another skill that I have grown a lot over the past four years. I was able to learn this skill when I was less conspicuous during the reading period, observe the interaction in the group and read the atmosphere of different occasions. This also helped me to find out the relationship between different client teams more quickly after I left the society. After four years, I learned to figure out the relationships in the company faster, and I can update the relationship map in my brain as soon as possible when there are new people. This also allows me to live in the wind and rain, and at the same time become the object of consultation for everyone.

The next job, I hope to have a different scenery

After that, I was basically sure that I would go to other jobs and leave the familiar environment and colleagues. (As I write this, I'm still testing the time it takes to get to work.) This time, instead of jumping too far, jump up. It can be said that it is because I have found the most suitable step for me, which I will talk about later.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

文科妹的營銷生活筆記寫讀書,寫讀生活這門課,寫情緒問題復康路。 (Liker id:soramieita)
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