Upholding justice and faith has never been easy!

Yu Yingzhen used the analogy of cetaceans. Although most cetaceans need to live in the ocean and sea water, some cetaceans need freshwater environment to survive, such as the baiji dolphin.

The Korean drama "The Very Lawyer Yu Yingzhen" has been very popular recently. Each episode has a theme for discussion, and each theme is thought-provoking. Just finished watching episode 12, this episode is about: Justice and Faith that Can't Be Extinct! (Spoilers below)

This time, autism lawyer Yu Yingzhen's company has entrusted Zhao with personal lawyer Liu Qisu, who is dedicated to helping the disadvantaged and fighting for gender equality, and insists on standing on the side of justice.

The company structure was adjusted to streamline personnel, forcing employees who are husband and wife, the wife or husband must leave, if not, the husband will stay without pay, the Minister of Human Resources morally persuaded female employees to resign automatically, which is equivalent to dismissing female employees in disguise. Female employees filed a lawsuit against the company, alleging that the company violated regulations related to gender equality.

Lawyer Liu fights for justice and faith. Stills of "The Very Lawyer Yu Yingzhen"

Yu Yingzhen watched Lawyer Liu fight for justice and faith, and learned that the defendant's company's plan to dismiss the married female employee was a lawyer's advice from her own law firm, and she was caught in a war between heaven and man.

The profession of a lawyer is to take the client's money and defend the client. Especially for a large firm, the main source of revenue and clientele is a large enterprise and a large consortium. To be an independent lawyer of a one-person firm is a belief in justice. In battle, life may be difficult.

Yu Yingzhen used the analogy of cetaceans. Although most cetaceans need to live in the ocean and sea water, some cetaceans need freshwater environment to survive, such as the baiji dolphin. Want to be a special species like Lawyer Liu? Continue to survive in the ocean of Wangyang Company, which makes Yingzhen ponder.

The female employees lost the case in the first instance, but they were honored even though they were defeated. They planned to appeal with lawyer Liu and continued to fight for justice. On the other hand, Yingzhen and the HR director of the company won the case, but they were not happy. The HR director completed the company's assignment and then About to be fired, the human resources minister said: "I thought they also consulted Wang Yang this time! The 'clean and neat method of firing the human resources minister' is similar to this method.", "I made nearly a hundred employees lose their jobs, and the general manager You shouldn't expect yourself to escape! This is my retribution!"

I really hope that the director of our company's personnel office can watch this episode carefully. When the manpower adjustment and tightening is necessary in response to the expected decrease in future revenue, he will show more kindness and respect to the employees. There could also be issues like the human resources minister being fired after completing the downsizing.

In addition, this episode also reminded me of "social control in the newsroom". New reporters will observe the political orientation of the newspaper office, the attitudes of supervisors, and seniors to decide how to do things, including the choice of news and the importance of writing. Over time, it will become internalized into The working guidelines for individual journalists.

Every media in newspapers and TV news stations has its own position. Many media bosses directly declare their political inclinations, pro-China, anti-Taiwan independence or pro-green, pro-Taiwan independence. This time, the US Speaker Felosi's visit to Taiwan and a large-scale military exercise in China reports are very obvious.

When I was working as a journalist, there was indeed "social control of the newsroom". In 2000, when Lien Chan, James Soong and Chen Shui-bian jointly elected the president, the boss of the newspaper office he worked for was very supportive, and the supervisor directly told him to try to write a report on local politicians saying good things about Lien Chan. In 2004, Lien Zhan and James Soong partnered to challenge Chen Shui-bian and Lu Xiulian for re-election. This time, the boss replaced Chen Shui-bian and the supervisor ordered someone to scold Lien Zhan and James Soong.

Lien Zhan is still Lien Zhan, and he still uses the Kuomintang membership to elect the president. Four years ago, he had to support him and he would criticize him four years later. It's really confusing. But I, who was under the eaves and bowed down for five buckets of rice, did the same.

News ethics, justice, and faith are not as valuable as a monthly salary. What’s more, news written by insisting on faith may die in the hands of the supervisor. It is never easy to insist on justice and faith!


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