Shanghai people, why are you not angry?


Text | Fellini

When I wrote this topic, I wanted to try to separate myself from the context of Shanghai people and think about a question - Shanghai people, why are you not angry.

Of course, not all Shanghainese are not angry. The night before yesterday, because they suddenly received "good news", many Shanghai people dragged their families and rushed to the streets, almost singing and dancing, and some Shanghai people were very angry. But I have to say that being angry with Shanghai people who don't seem to be so happy is not justified - if you are really cowardly and don't dare to be angry with that, then you should be angry with yourself first, not with your feet Peer of feet.

If you are angry, you will only complain, "Oh, why is the nucleic acid team so long, will it delay the resumption of work tomorrow?" Know what kind of citizens there will be what kind of city. You and your city are just a "blank" -- a first-class tool person, perhaps, that's all. It has been more than 100 years since the port opened. For this feature, it is a "professional manager" in a compliment, and a "lack of innovation and entrepreneurial courage" in a derogatory sense. There is still a lack of questioning spirit at the root - perhaps it is not lack, but I feel It is too dangerous to think deeply. It is better to find a safe mode to be a "preform" and live.

There is nothing wrong with thinking this way, but the premise is that the environment respects the blanks. If everyone else is fishing, then the billet is the best sample to be ruled - what southern farmer doesn't want to pick a few hundred kilograms of cotton for a few more days without complaining, and then study the increasingly sophisticated billet on his own?

A large group of owners of the community have been very active in the past few decades. Several girls took the lead in "governing" the community in an orderly manner. According to the mother-in-law, these few are not full-time housewives, they all hold certain positions in the company on weekdays, and some have several children. The horn for resumption of work sounded, and the traces of all the volunteers in the lobby downstairs were almost instantly cleared. These mothers immediately resigned from their roles as "community rulers" and went back to work. I am amazed by these guys. The reason why Shanghai has become Shanghai is due to them. People who can adjust their posture in response to different situations at any time may not have time to "get angry".

However, when others beat me down, do I really have to continue to "make a blank" in return?

Many historical stories show that the later stories of many blanks are not very good. The Mossad who was tied back from Argentina for trial and hanged was a standard blank. Others know that you only know how to bury your head in pulling a car and don't look up at the road very much - maybe it's not that you don't know how to look up, but you are just afraid to look - your advantage as a blank will be brought into full play in a certain period of time, but. Right. you know.

You don't like it as much as I like it

Therefore, if you like it as much as I like it, it is better to be angry with yourself than to be angry with others. Get angry at him for hurting yourself, and get angry at yourself.

Of course, I understand that the current anger mode of many Shanghai people is out of some kind of self-protection - you see, I am also a living person, I am angry, this detection efficiency is too low!

It's really hard for Jiangzi to make a blank, not to bully him.


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