Incredible Killer World

There are many reasons why I like this movie, the most important of which is that this work is not a remake, there is no tribute, and there are no easter eggs, it is completely the original story of Isaka Kotaro...

Creating a killer world has always been a popular theme for action movies. Successful examples include Kill Bill and John Wick, both of which are imaginative and groundbreaking, establishing a different story background, allowing the protagonist to be in it, killing and revenge. Recently starring Brad Pitt, Bullet Train (Taiwan translation "Bullet Train", Hong Kong translation "Killer Train"), adapted from Kotaro Isaka's novel "Ladybug", can be said to be a successful example of a different approach, using a train journey to shoot thrilling Thrilling and thought-provoking killer story.

There are many reasons why I like this movie, the most important one is that this work is not a remake, there is no tribute, and there is no easter egg. The final battle is handled with the technology of top action blockbusters, which is much more exaggerated than the novel's imagination, which greatly enhances the dynamic effect. However, the precise layout of the links in the novel is basically preserved, and with the excellent fighting design, the layers of surprises in the novel are brought into full play.

"Ladybug", played by Brad Pitt, boarded the train from Tokyo to Kyoto to perform a simple task, only to find that another group of terrifying killers was also working on the train, in a series of shadows. The fate of each person is intertwined under the wrong circumstances, and there are many jokes in addition to the series of fierce battles. "Ladybug" is already tired of the life of fighting and killing. Before getting into the car, he even deliberately did not bring a gun, convinced that when encountering a problem, he can use his intelligence to deal with it peacefully, and he does not have to fight to the death. A small change and change in his concept can be said to be the best suggestion to the various powers in the world today. This kind of reflection in the story also allows him to fight for more space to resolve conflicts when facing the calamity of death, without having to Kill them without a word. Action movies can promote this spirit of stepping back and make Brad Pitt a lovable, lovable character, a top figure in the killer world.

Another advantage of the film is that it combines cultural elements from the East and the West. The production team is from the United States, but the story takes place in Japan. Killers from all over the world gather in Tokyo. The various characteristics of Japanese trains are vivid and vivid. An actor can use it at any time. The "elder" played by Hiroyuki Sanada uses a samurai sword to kill the enemy, exerting the power of "Twilight Kiyobei", as well as the fierce gunfight of the twin killers. The director combines various visual effects, which is rare. It's impartial, just right, and it won't make it nondescript.

In the midst of many murders and dangers, this story makes everyone think that all kinds of coincidences in life are not for no reason. The causes planted in the past will unexpectedly affect the future results, and the so-called fate can definitely Relying on your own strength to reverse, the problem is whether there is enough introspection and action.

Kotaro Isaka's novels have been adapted into movies by Japanese teams many times in the past. The one that impressed me the most was "Fish Story" , about a failed band who rewrote the fate of mankind with a song. There is also " Golden Slumbers" (Golden Slumbers) , about a delivery man who is mistaken for the prime minister's assassination, and starts a great escape because his life is deprived. These works have their own wonderful novels and movies. place. "Ladybug" is just one of his killer series, and related stories include "Grasshopper" and "Mantis" . I hope that after this success, more excellent producers will introduce his works to readers and readers around the world in the future. audience.


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