Matt city urban legend (2) - sorry, the water alley is blocked here

Reader's submission: Letter from Mr. Shima Quchen.

Another night, Ah Lan was happily rotten in the bar, holding his small notebook, looking left and right, hehe laughing.

Suddenly, there was a vibration from the phone, and an email was sent to Ah Lan's e-mail trash can . Ah Lan took a clip, "folded" the letter from the trash can, and opened it:

Hello Reporter Alan:
Shima Quchen, something strange happened in my house recently, I would like to ask you to help in breaking the news,
I live at 11111E,
010101 Street, Matt, and I'm always available. I hope you can come and do a field trip to help uncover the whole thing. I can't take it anymore.
Sincerely, Shima Qu Chen

Alas, a business came to the door. Alan happily drank the Old Fashion in his hand. After paying the bill, he followed the address given by Mr. Shima to Mr. Shima's house.

As soon as the doorbell was rang, the door did not open, but there was a barking sound of a beast:

"Meh~~~ Meh~~~ Meh~~~~"

Alan was so frightened that he fell to the ground. At this moment, Mr. Shima came to answer the door in a hurry, and told Alan apologetically, "Sorry, my cute pet code machine II is still socializing , it sees someone coming to meet. Very excited, but it is very good, if it is really bad, it will be damaged by the code machine I. "

Ah Lan was invited to the comfortable sofa in the living room. Mr. Shima made a cup of hot tea for Ah Lan and poured himself a cup of black coffee.
Ah Lan took out the camera, paper and pen and waited patiently for Mr. Shi Ma to explain all this.

"Hey, Ah Lan, thank you in advance for coming here. It's like this. From two weeks ago, the water alley system in my house. Ah, I'm afraid you are a foreigner. Do you know what the water alley system is? "Mr. Shima said.

Alan nodded, indicating that he knew.
The Water Alley System, the full name of "Water Alley Support System, WASS" , is a system that every household in Matt City is equipped with.
In Matt City, in addition to trading, complimenting, complimenting, and affirming others, in addition to using "Lai-Controllable Coins" , the other thing that can be used is "Water Lane Coins" . In addition, Shuixiang Coin can subscribe to other people's hot pot every month and go to taste a meal. What's more, Shuixiang Coin left Matt City and went to the outside world, and can also be used to buy Shuixiang milk and Shuixiang style Polo . The bag, anyway, works just fine.

" Two weeks ago , the entire waterway system in my house broke down. My waterway coins couldn't flow out, and the waterway coins that others gave me couldn't flow in." Mr. Shima said while sipping a sip of black coffee. His expression was as bitter as that cup of black coffee.

"How could this be? I've never heard of such a thing in the past!" A Lan was a little surprised and began to write on the note.

"I was also surprised, and it seemed that I was the only one who had this problem. I asked the family of "Fen Sui Yukizawa", the neighbor on the left, and the husband and wife team of the neighbor "Meichuan Yifu" on the right, and they all said that the water lane system in their house was not question."

"Have you asked about the 'Mori Shang Mei Yuqian' family in the alley behind your house?" Alan asked sharply. In fact, before interviewing Shima's predecessor, Ah Lan had checked the nearby homes a little, and they all lived there.

Mr. Shima nodded: " The 'Mori Shang Mei Youqian' family said that they have no money on them, so the water lane system has not been activated yet, but it should be usable."

It's really unusual, and it feels worthy of writing this report. Ah Lan then asked, "Mr. Shima, when you found out that your waterway system was broken, did you try to fix it?"

"Yes, first of all, I went to buy a bottle of Mr. Mighty, and came back to look at it all, but it didn't work." Mr. Shima looked helpless.

"Oh...of course it won't work, you are not powerful yourself, what kind of Mr. Mighty..." Ah Lan whispered and scribbled on the notebook.

"Sorry? What did you say?" Mr. Shima frowned.

"Ah, it's okay, I'm sorry, please continue." Ah Lan waved his hand and motioned Shima to continue.

Mr. Shima continued his gestures and said, "I found that Mr. Wei Meng was useless, so I went to buy "Tongle" and tried to see it all by myself, but it was still unsuccessful. "

"Well, it's convenient for you to take me to your water lane system. I'll take a picture and collect some materials, okay?" Ah Lan waved the camera in his hand.

Mr. Shima nodded and motioned for Ah Lan to follow him, and the two came to the water lane system at home.

"Hey, it seems to be blocked. There is really a pile of golden water lane coins stuck, and I can't get in, let alone get out!" Ah Lan took a photo, and continued looking at the broken water lane system: "Maybe there is a plug stuck. Did you put any plug in the waterway system?"

"I don't have plugs in my house, where can I get the plugs? My house only has a cabinet full of chess pieces !!!" Mr. Shima proudly said with his chest out. There are a lot of chess, chess, Go, and a bunch of chess pieces in the house. The only thing is that there are no chess pieces.

"Besides no stopper, you don't have a wife ..." Ah Lan muttered in a low voice.

"Sorry, what did you say?" Mr. Shima felt that Alan's muttering was not a good thing.

"No, no. Mr. Shima, I think your situation is a bit special. I feel that we ordinary people can't solve it. Have you notified the city government and asked them to come to your house to check it?" Ah Lan corrected his tone. , continue to ask.

"Yes." Mr. Shima nodded, his brows furrowed again, and his tone became a little angry and impatient: "I wrote to the mailbox of the city government two weeks ago, and then I called the 1999 citizen line , but nothing happened. In response, no one has been sent to fix it.”

"For the city government, the end of the year is approaching, so it should be quite busy. After that, there will be Christmas City and other things, so I might not have time to look at it." Alan tried to ease the atmosphere.

"Hey, I know, I know, the city government staff are also working very hard ," Mr. Shima's face was even more wrinkled than a bitter gourd: "It's just that I watched the water alley at home betting like this. Coins came to my house to subscribe to the monthly hot pot, but now I am stuck here, alas, my heart is bitter!

"What do you think might be the reason for the sudden failure of your water lane system?" Ah Lan couldn't figure it out, how could the powerful WASS system suddenly be like this?

Mr. Shima didn't know why, but when he heard this question, he seemed a little nervous and nervous. He leaned into Ah Lan's ear and said in a low voice:
"I suspect a bug is stuck here, but I can't catch a bug, don't help me write this into your report,
I was killed by a good-looking but super-bad-hearted insect in my previous life, but no one believed me. I was even caught and taken to Azka Code , and I managed to escape. "

Ah Lan nodded and promised to keep it secret: "Okay, I have almost collected the materials here. Next, I want to talk to you about this interview and the cost of publishing this report for you."

Mr. Shima tightened his belt and said with a bitter face, "How much will it cost?"

Alan showed a bright smile like sunshine:

"Only 20 water lane coins after the discount, but currently this issue only accepts water lane coins."

Mr. Shima:  …

※The above report does not represent the position of this newspaper. After all, this newspaper is in the factory every day. If there is any similarity, it will be the same.
※Other information can be written to


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