"The beginning of every love story is always bright as a flower, and the end is always silent as earth." - Eileen Chang

I love you, what does it have to do with you?

Today, in the scorching heat, he passed around half of the city from another county and city, and sent me a few drinks just to meet me.

Reminds me of another person five years ago, almost the same address as today, the same high temperature in the middle of noon, the same desperate foolishness, the same only to meet for a few minutes.

Five years ago, I fell in love with him like a moth to a flame. I couldn't stop, and I didn't care about my life. No one would listen to me. Five years later, I slept with him back to back in the middle of the night. Whoever comes to tell me, I will give up asking for it automatically.

It was a farce that lasted for five years, and finally gave up and let it go.

High concentration of similar repertoires, replay-like scenes, and a heroine whose bad temper will never change, only her appearance will grow old.

In such a troubled world... what will be the ending?


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

在屋頂讀書聽音樂看電影We shall not cease from exploration | 我們的探索不會中止 And the end of all our exploring | 我們一切探索的盡頭 Will be to arrive where we started | 是為了抵達我們原來的起點 And know the place for the first time. | 而初次認識這地方。
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