Little secrets in the album|The day when my identity changed

Since that day, my life has changed.

First of all, I would like to thank @yellow-skinned gypsy Ruth for holding such an interesting event. It is quite interesting to use words to inspire each other's writing themes and inspiration, and it also allows everyone to know each other better.

I’m almost a person who doesn’t organize my phone’s photo albums. I have to find time to upload the videos from my phone to my computer, let alone classify the photos on my phone, so I heard about this event when I first heard about it. At that time, I didn't have any definite idea. Until today, I opened my phone and swiped to an album more than five years ago. There was only one photo in it. From that day on, my life changed for the first time.

I still remember that my menstrual period was reported as usual, but the strange thing was that it still did not stop after a week, and I started to feel nauseated after getting up in the morning. However, due to the work pressure a few years ago, I had a similar situation that lasted for several months. So I didn’t take it seriously at first, I thought it was because of work anxiety that caused some abnormality in my body, but after a day or two passed, there was no sign of my menstrual period stopping, so I bought two different brands at the drug store on a whim. The pregnancy test stick, holding a urine test in the mood that it is absolutely impossible to get pregnant.

In fact, it is very absurd at the moment of the test. It is obvious that the menstrual period has not really ended. How can it be possible to get pregnant? Anyway, it’s good to have a fun mentality to check it out, but I didn’t expect the first line to appear very quickly. At that time, I didn’t know the situation, and I even read the manual to find the answer, but I didn’t expect it to be pregnant! pregnant! !

How can there be such an exaggeration? Menstrual period is coming! ! !

Although I thought it was absurd, but the mood at the moment was not very real. I still remember that my husband came home late that day. When he entered the door, I immediately told him: "I'm pregnant!" As a result, his reaction was: "Then I want more. Make some money!"

To react so calmly? ? ? But when I think of his answer being so practical, I find it very funny. It is indeed the style of the earth sign!

Taken on February 20, 2017

As a pragmatic Sagittarius, of course, it is impossible to easily believe that I am pregnant because of the two lines of the pregnancy test stick. I immediately asked the company for leave to go to the clinic for a checkup the next day. I still remember that the ultrasound can already see the embryo at that time, officially confirming that the pregnancy is correct. , As for why there is a menstrual period? It turned out that it was not a menstrual period at all, it was bleeding in the early stages of pregnancy! ! !

Now that I think about it, I feel very frightened. I passed more than a week without any incident, and was announced by the doctor that I had to have a miscarriage at home and not move around. I still remember saying to the doctor, "I can't finish my work. I can't take time off!"

The doctor didn't care what I said at all, and asked directly, "How long do you need to prescribe the certificate of abortion?" Afterwards, the bleeding continued to occur one after another, and it didn't really stabilize until the fourth month of pregnancy . Tianan's maternity leave and his annual leave are all finished!

If everyone thinks that the bleeding symptoms are stable and it will be fine, then they are wrong! The symptoms of nausea, vomiting, and heart palpitations continued . I woke up every day with nausea. I felt hungry when I was too hungry. I also felt sick when I ate food that my fetus didn’t like. I also felt sick when I took the MRT bus. The bathroom in the library is so uncomfortable when I commute almost every day that I want to use a loudspeaker to ask everyone to make way for me. After finally arriving at the office late, I go to the toilet from time to time to vomit, and I can hardly work well. Another colleague was on parental leave, and I was also asked to do the work of that colleague. In the end, I couldn't handle it, so I resolutely resigned from the company when I was six months pregnant.

Why is it okay for others to be pregnant, and why am I like a weak chicken when I am pregnant?
Why do other people still work overtime while pregnant, but I can't even complete the basic workload?
Why don't you endure until the birth and still receive 80% of the salary for six months of childcare leave?

There are many questions in my heart, and many questions with regrets came into my ears, and even the boss said: " You have taken a lot of childbirth leave, now you have to pay more! " These words penetrated deeply into my heart.

No pregnant woman wants to feel uncomfortable throughout her pregnancy, and no pregnant woman will give up her independent work for no reason . She resigns in the hope that it will not cause trouble to the company, and she does not want the company to feel that I am occupying the pit and not shitting. Six 80% of the monthly salary can be exchanged for my peace of mind, and it can also allow me to truly get enough rest at home. I think it is very worthwhile, and I am also grateful to myself for having such decisive courage at that time.

If you ask me, do you regret giving up your job? My answer is no regrets! Even though I have quit my job to recuperate at home, my child is still a premature baby at 35 weeks and 5 days. I can't imagine that if I continue to work, will it have a more significant impact on the fetus in my womb? Although there is no answer to this question, at least I can be sure that if I continue to work, my mood will be more melancholy.

Now, I have been a mother for five years. I never encourage others to have children, nor do I oppose them. I only hope that every woman should take care of her physical and mental condition before considering the matter of having children. Far more important than economic conditions!


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