Keep working hard to save $LIKE to become an Appreciative Citizen

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During the holiday, while Dabao was playing in the children's playroom and Erbao was in his sleep, he came to post a popular article of Appreciation Citizens 3.0, hello.

A while ago, the official announced a big news, to change the method of joining to become a citizen of appreciation, version 3.0, the method is very simple, that is, just entrust 5000$LIKE to a specific verifier, that is, Civic LIker to appreciate citizens. And because I usually have $LIKE that is idle in the hand of the delegate, this condition is not too difficult for me, so I also transfer all the $LIKE in my hand to the delegate at the first time, you can refer to this arts.

Civic LIker appreciates the launch of the citizen node

All of my Like coins are being delegated. I'm sorry to all the validators. After 21 days, I will re-examine my delegation strategy and redistribute it.

Just after the time was up, I also performed this thing, so I started to transfer the delegation using the computer version. My validator evaluation method is to first find a validator who haunts in Matt City, or a validator I have seen, After the decision is made, the $LIKE in hand is evenly distributed to ten validators, so one validator can get 5000$LIKE . During the process of transferring the delegation, there are occasional error messages. Basically, I just reorganize the web page. , Just after the happy transfer of the commission, the result was that I didn't notice that even the 5000$LIKE that Civic Liker appreciated the citizens was transferred to the commission, 囧. So now I can only continue to deposit $LIKE , or wait 21 days before transferring the delegation.

When will my green aperture reappear ?


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006208 投資月報(2023.10),富邦台50 購買記錄 (006208 Portfolio Tracker)

006208 投資月報(2023.09),富邦台50 購買記錄 (006208 Portfolio Tracker)

006208 投資月報(2023.08),富邦台50 購買記錄 (006208 Portfolio Tracker)