Faster Running Episode 2


Half a month later, Regen Academy

Kar: You're finally out of the hospital!

Covo: Yes! Too bad I'm still in a wheelchair

Kar: Why haven't you recovered yet?

Covo: ask behind

Yana: He won't go to rehab for another 15 days

Kar: Yana, parkour is my and Covo's lifelong dream, don't ruin it

Yana: You can parkour, but I won't forgive you if you ruin my sister's work

Claire: Good morning to you!

Kar: You came at the right time

Kar: Covo! This is our new team

Covo: New players?

Yana: (miserable! One more troublesome character)

After class time

Covo: Claire! From now on this is your place

Krell: Wow! I didn't expect you to have your own headquarters

Krell: What about the woman this morning?

Kar: Her! I'm off!

Covo: Actually it's not an expense...

The second quadrant exhibition area Cosplay exhibition

Audience A: I want to take a picture with you!

Audience B: No! I came first!

Yana: Don't fight! Why don't we take pictures together

Kar: In short, I will teach Krel how to do a backflip, and you will make a poster first.

Krell: How did you learn it?

Kar and Krell leave the office

Covo: Seems to be busy

an hour later

Covo: Finally finished, it took a lot of work

? ? :Got you? Covo

Covo: Wait! who are you?

Philot: My name is Philot, I heard you broke your legs on the road

Covo: That's right!

Philot: According to school regulations, the seriously injured must go to the infirmary to rest during free time!

Covo: I haven't heard of this rule, and I just broke both legs, no need....

Philot kisses Covo

Covo: I'm so dizzy...why is it so hot....

Covo passed out

Philot: Really fainted


Philot: The boy is real! Broken leg on the road for no reason

Yana: I will take care of Covo!

Philot: All right!

Yana: (Covo's sleeping position is so cute)


Kar: As expected of Krell, I learned it all at once

Claire: Haha! where

Kar: Wait a minute! Covo is gone

Claire: He should go outside!

Kar: Impossible! He can't push a wheelchair by himself

Kar: No way!

Kar rushes out

Claire: Wait for me!


Krell: How do you think he'll be in the infirmary?

Kar: Did you forget? Seriously injured people go there to pick up girls during their breaks

Kar: According to this situation, Covo may have been brought to play by Philot long ago.

Krell: Exactly!

Kar: Hope not to meet Yana, otherwise... when I didn't say

Yana sleeping on the bed with Covo

Krell: It's the woman this morning

Kar: Shhh! Don't disturb her or we won't be able to rescue Covo

Philot: What are you doing here?

Kar: You really came out!

Philot: Are you harassing patients?

Kar: I don't...have no such malice, I....

Krell: We just wanted to visit Covo

Philot: All right! Do not disturb the patient

Krell: Okay!

Kar: You really know why....

Claire: Watch out for her downwind ears

Krell: Bad news, Covo is now in Yana's arms

Kar: It seems...

after a while

Kar: Be quiet, everyone, try to use flash when taking pictures

The audience keeps taking pictures

Yana: So bright...

Yana: Ah! voyeur

The audience keeps shouting

Philot: Everyone, get out of here!

Claire: Shit!

Everyone leaves the infirmary

Philot: I'll help you with the photo shoot

Yana: It's okay! I'll take him back to class first!


Krell: That's a bad idea at all! Covo still can't escape

Kar: If Philot doesn't come back! We already took Covo away

Philot: You two liars

Kar: Do it! She is coming!

Krell: Still want to shoot us with bows and arrows

Kar and Krell climb to the top of the pillar

Philot: I still want to escape

Philot pierced the pillar with the undulation of the string

Kar: That's too exaggerated!

Claire: Hurry up and jump!

the pillar falls

Kar: Almost died

Philot: How do you know if you don't try it?

Philot targets Kar and Krell

Krell: Keep people under the arrow!

? ? : don't hurt them

Kar: ?

Philot: Jana!

Yana: Although they are naughty, the use of force to hurt is more unacceptable to me

Kar: (Yana!)

Claire:  …

Philot: You two don't have a next time!

Philot turns to leave

Kar: That....

Yana: ?

Kar: Thank you for saving us!

Yana: Where....where

Yana: (their trio is really cool)

at this time

? ? : とてもクール! (so cool!)


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