Coinsea New Games | Admit mistakes and leave the market at a loss

Officially release the pledge of $HUAHUA.

Admitting mistakes is painful, but it has to be done.

Although it is a bear market now, the price of this coin has dropped too much compared to other virtual currencies, which has proved that this is the problem of $HUAHUA itself, not the influence of the big market.

The price of OSMO can be tolerated, but the game HUAHUA POT launched by HUAHUA... To be honest, it makes me feel speechless.

URL to play the game:

Daisy's article introducing the game: HUAHUAPOT The jackpot game begins !

You've seen the game introduction, you all understand, right?

...Wow, this is called a game? What about gameplay? Coupled with the fact that someone has developed a cheating BOT soon, and the official cannot block it... It is not difficult to explain why there are no more players in this game on the third day.

I think the development team of Chihuahua is working hard...but I don't understand the point of their efforts...(Khan)

So the pain is over, and I know that Chihuahua is a hard-working team, so I’d better release the pledge first.


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