The Story of the Tree Hole (6): How to make yourself fall in love with the post-holiday days

I wonder if I have "post-holiday syndrome"...


After the New Year's holiday, it feels like only a few days have passed,

take a look,

The date of the next vacation is far away,

I also wonder if I have "post-holiday syndrome"...


After the holiday, I saw a lot of emails,
one meeting after another,
countless jobs,
It's also really hard to convince you to look at the post-holiday days.

But in the end you,
Or to bow down in reality,
There's still so much to do,
The work is still to be done,
Life has to go on.

Many times we can choose very small,
So small that there is no choice at all,
things are still to be done,
But the process of doing it is based on people setting the box,
Or sticking to your own style is another matter.

Although the starting point of things is to do,
The end is the completion of things,
But still a little stubborn in the process,
stick to your own way,
But at least I still know,
this is still me,
This is still my choice, my mind, my soul.

【Shadow of tree hole】

Opened IG treeholeshadow , mainly using illustrations to share every little thing in life and growth.
I hope my words and pictures can care about you at some point.
If one of them can be comforted in his heart and smile, it will be enough.

It is a small blessing to meet someone who understands appreciation 🌸

If you want to support me, you can become my appreciative citizen, every reading, every clapping, every response is also a great encouragement to me!

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TreeHoleShadow喜歡在閒時寫寫文章,畫下圖畫。 希望我的文字和圖畫,能在某一刻牽掛你。 遇上懂欣賞的人,能夠給你一點點溫暖,便是我們的小確幸。
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