"Leek Growth Diary" Chapter 1, Section 1

"Diary of the Growth of Leek" Leek, a plant with a straight trunk, strives to survive and grow, but has no choice but to end up growing taller, constantly being cut, and endlessly circulating. Wang Taizhou, who graduated from college, originally wanted to be a self-sufficient adult, but he accidentally broke into the greedy financial circle. In this circle, is there really only the two poles of "cutting and being cut"? ? Only in the face of choices in life will you know your true self, and the truth may not be as good as you imagine.

Chapter 1: Entering the workplace for the first time

On the hot afternoon of July, Wang Taizhou stepped out of the university library and was greeted by a hot wind like a steamer. In fact, Taizhou doesn't particularly like to read, but after taking the graduation exam, he has sent a large number of cover letters and application emails and still can't find a job. In the boring days, he spends the price of a subway ticket to go back to campus. The student’s status was extended for a while. The more pragmatic reason was that Sister Lian, the mother who was in charge of bills at home, said that he could not turn on the air conditioner when he was at home alone. In the high temperature of more than 30 degrees, the library was naturally a good place to escape the heat. Second choice.

This year's graduates haven't even held a graduation ceremony. Not every classmate is like Wang Taizhou, so anxious to find a long-term job, but looking at the ATM account with less than one thousand Hong Kong dollars left, he is worried about next month If there is no income, do you want to reach out to Sister Lian for pocket money?

Originally, Taizhou relied on the income from tutoring and the government's student loans every year, and his four-year college career has reached the state of self-sufficiency. Ignore the grant loan for now and enter the repayment period after graduation. Instead, the predicament is that there are three junior high school tutoring students on hand, but they dropped out of school and left Hong Kong at the same time a while ago! One of them gave up even the final exam and went to the UK with his parents, while the other two had a beginning and an end. They dropped out after the exam, allowing Taizhou to survive for another month or two. These parents used to arrange for their children to take tutoring two days a week even during the summer vacation. Now they are very free and easy, and they can leave as soon as they say it.

Maybe the poor boy is particularly worried, and his status as an unfettered free man is only three months, but Tai Zhou neither knows how to spend his youth with careful planning, nor does he have a way to be a slash family, even if the urban legend delivers food, the monthly income can reach 20,000. , Unfortunately, he doesn't even have a motorcycle license plate. In this respect, he is not as good as a takeaway boy.

After "reading" in the library for a long time, Tai Zhou walked towards Canteen during afternoon tea time from 1 to 2:30. Unexpectedly, the lawn outside Canteen was intercepted by Isaac.

"Hey, Adrain, why did you pay it back after graduation?" Isaac, who was on the way, ran a small business at home. After graduation, he started a start-up to realize his dream, and even applied for a university research loan. The university set aside a few hundred feet of space for him to use as a research and office base for free, so it made sense that he would linger at the university all day.

When Tai Zhou was asked by him, he answered honestly, "It's hot in the summer, and I haven't found a job yet, so I just came back to the library to sigh and have afternoon tea to pass the time."

"Electrical engineering is not a science, but it is not so difficult to get a job, right? That Philip in the same class, his grades are worse than yours, he is born like an uncle, and he has just received an offer." Isaac is a social expert among his friends. , Tai Zhou likes to blow water with him, and collect the employment information of his classmates.

"I have entered the third round of the final round of the management trainee job at a US-funded bank, but in the end I failed again. I suspect that banks like to hire girls, and they are more comfortable with selling funds and bonds."

"That's not it, the bank has the most hidden rich women depositors, don't you see those liars, can you catch a rich woman with a net worth of billions in the middle of the mountain? The route of "Auntie, I don't want to work hard" should have a bright future! But then again, You have no financial background at all, you don’t watch stock news after work, and it is reasonable to lose the final round score to others.”

Isaac's analysis seemed to be eloquent, and he continued: "The HR recruitment of banks is too superficial, and financial knowledge is no more difficult to grasp than physics and mathematics. With the smart qualifications of our science people, we read a few financial books, mortgages, bond interest rates, etc. Aren’t you afraid that you won’t know how to learn arithmetic? On the contrary, your qualities of “seemingly sincere, secretly fighting” are the hard-to-find talents!”

"How could it be, I'm clearly a Guo Jing-type boy inside and out." Tai Zhou took a sip of the frozen lick and tried his best to protect the few chips left on the plate.

"Secretly fighting people is a trait of success. It's like doing tutoring. Obviously everyone charges $400 an hour, but you say that the more expensive the parent, the more confident he is. He sees that you are brave enough to charge $600. When you meet, you brag about other specialties, parents. Preconceived notions, $200 premium bag is safe.”

"These little smarts are useless in the face of professional HR."

"What's the difference? Parents, HR, and rich women are all customers. If they are customers, they want something and have weaknesses. Oh, enough time, let's watch the live broadcast together!" Thoughtfully handed one earphone to Tai Zhou.

Tai Zhou put the earpiece into his left ear, and after a few seconds, the live broadcast started, with a close-up of bright red lips and thin beads of sweat on the top of the lips, "Acridine~~"

The camera zooms out, and Taizhou recognizes that the owner of the red lips is their college classmate Mika.

Mika is one of the top beauties in their class, with more than 200,000 Instagram followers and over 300,000 YouTube subscribers. She is already a full-time KOL before she graduates.

Mika's live broadcast on this day was a comparison of Taiwan's instant spicy duck blood. She selected four types of instant spicy duck blood, tasted them one by one, and evaluated them one by one, and immediately ranked them in the top tier.

Isaac watched very attentively, "Good girl!" "Baby, you're hot!" "Yes, come on!" "I love you!" While watching, he was busy leaving messages on the live message board.

Tae-joo looked at Isaac's excited look, thinking he understood something.

At the end of the 15-minute live broadcast, Taizhou saw that Isaac was sweating a bit on his hairline, and his cheeks were flushed, as if he had eaten spicy duck blood.

Tai Zhou pointed to the screen, "You...you're still in love with her?"


"You and Mika...not once..."

During their sophomore year, Mika and Isaac dated for about half a year. It's no secret that everyone knows it. It's no secret that Isaac was flown six months later.

"Taizhou, if you care about me a little more, you should know that Mika is already my ex. Generally speaking, I only have a little bit of etiquette miss for ex. Before that, my love for them. It may feel similar to how I feel about you, just an ordinary friend."

"Then why are you so eager to watch her live broadcast and so excited to watch it?"

"Can't you see it? She is now my most precious work partner!"

"She's a KOL, aren't you doing your start-up? Do you want to be a KOL again?"

"KOL is my partner!"

"not understand."

"What was the live broadcast selling just now, let's take a look."

"Selling spicy duck blood."

"anything else?"

"Also?" Tai Zhou thought hard again, "I remember that Mika was drinking some herbal tea while eating."

"The herbal tea is at your own expense, think about it, what else?"

"and also?"

"What's the most important thing about eating spicy food?"

"How do I know? Spicy is spicy, so what else?"

"Paper napkins! She ate four types of spicy duck blood just now, and used a whole pack of tissues to wipe sweat and wipe her mouth, all of the same brand. That tissue brand is one of the customers who paid the most in this video."


"Do you remember what method Mika used to heat the spicy duck blood?"

"She said that because of time constraints, two packets were poured out and heated in the microwave, and the other two packets were cooked on the induction cooker."

"Hmph, it's a matter of time. That's because of the customer relationship. We picked up the microwave oven first, and then the induction cooker came to us again, so we have this arrangement."

"Wow wow wow..."

"Do you remember the whole film, what did Mika say in the first sentence?"

"First sentence, Hello everyone."

"'Hello everyone, it's my Mika again. Today I'm going to try the spicy duck blood with you. I eat spicy food in summer. The first thing is to turn on the big air conditioner!' Then she went to turn on the air conditioner, and then she changed It was mentioned that this new model of air-conditioning will cool down the room in two minutes. That air-conditioning unit is our customer.”

"Wow wow wow wow..."

"Actually, there are many more, such as the vest Mika wears and the mobile phone she uses, but these are her original customers, so I will let her go and not take her commission."

"Ah, I see, you are now a KOL manager!"

"I'm in high tech, not anyone's manager."

"You said you would take a commission, but you're not a manager?"

"Taizhou, please think more broadly, and be ambitious, okay? I'm building this big data platform now to match customers with KOLs in the media. We use big data to analyze which KOLs are suitable for which products and products. How long does it appear in the video, how it appears, and whether the brand logo is featured or not affects the final sales. And how to make KOLs more effective to carry goods? If there are more than one product in one video, how can the most fair Sponsorship costs are shared by customers? These are cutting-edge big data analysis, high-tech, not some KOL managers.”

"So which KOLs in Hong Kong are you currently working with?"

"There are two for now, Mika and Beau." Beau is also their college classmate, a KOL in the fitness industry, with about 120,000 YouTube subscribers.

"Just the two of them?"

"For the time being, but I am confident that the business will grow bigger and bigger. In fact, there are many lifestyle KOLs like Mika on the market, and it is not difficult to find them. The KOLs I want to work with the most are the KOLs in the investment world, who teach people to trade stocks and foreign exchange. Those who speculate on virtual coins. Do you know such people?"

Tai Zhou really knew one or two of these kinds of people, but at the moment he chose to keep silent.

"I won't tell you, I want to go back to the office and prepare for the zoom meeting." After speaking, Isaac closed the computer and turned to leave.

If you find two classmates to cooperate, you can apply for a research grant from the university, and you can rent an office cheaply. This time Taizhou seems to really understand something. (to be continued)



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