Stargaze Trooper NFT airdrop soundtrack


The Stargaze NFT I bought earlier was airdropped with soundtrack!

More soundtrack next to NFT

Don't get excited, I have listened to nearly a thousand live classical concerts for 20 years. I have also played string music for 20 years. I have requirements for listening to music. I don't listen to pop stars like Hong Kong at all, not classical and pop music. The main difference is the quality, the terrifying pitch, and those who sing the ghostly cry, will have nightmares after listening to them.

When I see someone uploading music files, I must avoid it and not press too many hands. Since the airdrop soundtrack is so special, I want to listen to it.


Simple melodies, electronic music set off Stargaze Trooper, cool, very good.


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#decentralizehk 驗證人投票 (2022.04.26 - 2022.05.08)

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