Hurt innocent people, broke my bottom line.

Valkyrie (女武神)
Cut off, sever ties, and cease any dealings with DrunkenDonkey@DrunkenMarxist

(For a review of the Xiaowei incident, please refer to the related article)

Drunk donkey's trumpet accusation won't hurt me, but it will hurt Xiao Wei.

Those who attacked me crazily before will attack Xiaowei now.

Those who have always blocked me will now block Xiaowei.

And what did Xiaowei do?

He just asked the drunk donkey a question and pointed out a mistake of the drunk donkey.

At first I thought Drunk Donkey just didn't agree with my position, then I found out that he questioned my morals, both of which were fine.

I'm someone with a criminal record in Matt City after all.

But now the drunk donkey abused, slandered, insulted, and bullied the innocent Xiaowei, I have seen it for a long time.

The benevolence, righteousness and morality of the drunk ass, what did he do?

1. When I recommend his articles to others, he repays his grievances and insults me by writing long messages.

2. When I debated American politics with him, he nicknamed me and insulted me.

3. Most of his replies to me were personal attacks.

4. In order to attack me and Xiaowei, he did not hesitate to fabricate lies.

As of now, he still can't come up with a screenshot that proves I'm in Malaysia.

He couldn't show any screenshots that proved that Xiaowei and I belonged to the same church denomination.

The administrator has replied to Xiaowei's complaint:

Regarding the "attempt to connect me with another highly controversial user" mentioned in this complaint, whether there is a connection between different accounts on the site, since Matters is not a real-name website, this part cannot be determined by the site. to make any judgment or verification.

This can also be regarded as her innocence.

Therefore, the station party cannot prove the trumpet, but the drunk donkey can prove it.

From last year to now, no one can see it, only the drunk donkey can see the trumpet.

This is extremely confident, narcissistic to the point of perversion.

This is extremely arrogant and defiant.

According to previous trumpet cases, unless one party says what the other party can only say, or one party says something that only the other party can possibly know, then the trumpet accusation can be substantiated.

And Xiaowei and I have almost no intersection, so there is no substantive evidence for the drunk ass.

And there is no evidence, but it has become the evidence in the mouth of the drunk donkey - "How can they not interact? It must be a trumpet!"

Self-incrimination (privilege against self-incrimination), also known as the right to silence rule (the right to silence), refers to the fact that in criminal cases, criminal suspects and defendants cannot be compelled to prove their guilt or be forced to Be a witness against yourself.

The silence of Xiaowei and I can be evidence in the eyes of a drunk donkey.

It can be seen that the self-righteousness of the drunk donkey has reached a strange point.

He made jokes because of his ignorance: he regarded Cthulhu as Xiao Huangwen, and BDSM as a promiscuous crowd, thinking that watching the movie "Silence" was a pleasure.

I was relatively open to him, and I didn't mind expressing my position, point of view, and background. But he could use my trust in him as a weapon to attack me in return. He claimed that because he knew me, he said that if I have a trumpet, I have a trumpet.

I should have refuted, I have refuted. I should speak up for Xiaowei, and I did. You can read the related article, and my reply to the drunk donkey.

There is always a limit to everything, and a person must have a bottom line. The drunk donkey broke the bottom line and hurt innocent people.

So I stopped any conversations with him and blocked him permanently.


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