Petanque Pétanque restaurant complex

In the city of Copenhagen, dinner seems to be tied to sports or games. What's more convenient is that the restaurant has already helped you satisfy this craving directly.

Let's serve appetizers

The waiter neatly took out the folding chair on the side, and immediately turned it into a table for temporarily placing meals. Very convenient.

Folding table that can be opened directly

Every time the food is served, the waiter will always stop everyone who is chatting enthusiastically, and can not help but introduce the name of the meal and the ingredients. Although I have not heard or understood, it is right to eat.

A whole slice of thick cheese toasted on toast with lettuce toasted Jerusalem roots on the side. Eat one bite at a time with a knife and fork, it's quite fresh.


main course! !

Thick roast duck with beans, topped with fries.

The duck meat is so thick, which is very different from the slices of roast duck eaten in Taiwan, and it is also good to eat it by itself. However, the seasoning is a bit heavy, so keep adding water.

Duck Beans & Chips

Today's main event: Petanque Pétanque

For the pronunciation part, although my French classmates taught me, I still don't know how to pronounce it. Our group is divided into eight groups, and the two-to-two confrontation is based on a points system. The two groups with the most can enter the final by one point.

In the green box, there are iron balls with two patterns, six in each, and a small red ball. The circle on the floor is where the player who dropped the ball stands.

boules court

Basically, the gameplay is that one side throws the red ball first, then throws an iron ball, and then switches to another group to throw the iron ball. The team whose iron ball is farther from the red ball continues to lose. Finally, see whose iron ball is closer to the red ball, and then score according to the number of balls.

The waiter and the referee explain the rules

French boules

boules wikipedia

The first time we played bouncing ball, our team actually advanced to the finals, but only got the second place in the end, but it is also gratifying. I heard from French classmates that this game is usually played around summer, and the whole family will play together. In summer, the days are relatively long, and the weather and sunshine duration are very suitable.


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