Korean drama time of B series | "Chacha Chacha": an old-fashioned but sunk romantic comedy

"Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha" is a story about a dentist named Yoon Hye Jin (played by Shin Min Ah), who runs from the city to a fishing village, and Hong Squad Leader Hong (played by Kim Sun Ho), who is a know-it-all in the fishing village and who only receives the minimum wage no matter what job he does. The fishing village of Gongchen, a Korean drama with interesting stories and romantic love with the local residents. Why can such an old-fashioned setting spark a lot of discussion, making people watch episode after episode like a poison?
"Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha" stills: Kim Sun Ho and Shin Min Ah

"Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha" is a story about a dentist named Yoon Hye Jin (played by Shin Min Ah), who runs from the city to a fishing village, and Hong Squad Leader Hong (played by Kim Sun Ho), who is a know-it-all in the fishing village and who only receives the minimum wage no matter what job he does. The fishing village of Gongchen, a Korean drama with interesting stories and romantic love with the local residents.

In addition to the interesting and fresh character setting of Squad Leader Hong, the overall plot trend of this Korean drama is very old-fashioned and easy to guess, but why "Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha" still causes a lot of discussion, making it seem like a poisonous episode see? I think the biggest key is that the close human interaction in the fishing village fills the strong sense of alienation caused by the epidemic.

In the first episode, Hye Jin shared an elevator with her neighbor's aunt. The seemingly coincidental and unintentional plot actually hides the key to Hye Jin leaving the city. In this episode, when Hye Jin was about to close the elevator door, the neighbor's aunt called her to reopen the elevator door, and started a conversation with her aunt that was too cordial for urbanites and crossed the line. (btw, after the baptism of the epidemic for nearly two years, talking face-to-face with strangers in the elevator has become too unfamiliar, so that this episode evokes memories and strengthens the intimacy of the interaction.)

However, this conversation is important for the development of the whole plot. When the neighbor aunt became Hye Jin's dental patient, she had learned that the aunt visited her daughter's house in Seoul to treat her teeth, and that her daughter was responsible for paying the medical expenses this time. When she was at odds with the dean because of the way she treated her aunt, Huizhen resigned in anger and went to Gongchen port to relax. A series of incidents made her decide to stay in Gongchen and build a canteen in this fishing village without dentistry. Skip the 30-minute drive to the dental clinic.

Huizhen was trapped in Gongchen for one day due to the interruption of the signal, and received various help from Gongchen residents, which may be far more profound and delicate than what she suffered in the city for several years. Whether it's the pair of slippers from Squad Leader Hong, the kelp soup that President Lv thanked for his hospitality, or the thoughtful grandmothers who cut squid with raw hands, all of them reinforce the difference between the city and the fishing village.

Huizhen's decision to stay in Gongchen seems a bit impulsive, but for her, in addition to the consideration of the cost of opening, I think the help of the villagers in Gongchen, the expectation of Director Lv for dental opening, and the phone call of thanks from the neighbor aunt. are key factors—and this represents the biggest difference in human interaction between urban and fishing villages.

Stills of "Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha": Villagers of Gongchen Fishing Village

In the city, we have become accustomed to the transaction method of receiving both money and goods. As for whether there is more interaction between people between buying and selling and after the service is over, it is not too important for urbanites, even occasionally It feels a little "burdened". However, in the hearts of the villagers in the fishing villages or the neighbors and aunts who may be from the countryside, although they can understand the principle of the transaction of both money and money, their gratitude is also attached to the words other than money and the kelp soup - this not only strengthens the Hye-jin, who is fed up with the fact that the head of the dentist is only trying to make money, has a strong sense of justice in her heart, which also allows her to open her heart to feel the warmth of humanity. (By the way, the news that Hye Jin passed on to Mi Sun's "Country Doctor Makes Great Profits" was just a help to convince herself after she had decided to move to Gongchen.)

Therefore, even if there are not many highlights in the plot of "The Village of the Coast", through the most basic "human touch", it can get more attention and love at a time when interpersonal relationships are more alienated due to the epidemic. Of course, the superb performances from the leading actors and actresses Kim Sun-ho and Shin Min-ah to the actors who played the various villagers of Gongchen, acting in such a popular and old-fashioned romantic comedy script, are also the key to the high evaluation of this drama. (If you have time, maybe the next article can talk about the character settings and characteristics of these protagonists.)


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