NETFLIX Animation│"I Love You Anyway": No dialogue, no color, deeply feel the sadness of the loss of a child


▸Title: If Anything Happens I Love You

▸ Official website: If Anything Happens I Love You

▸ Film length: 12 minutes

▸ Genre: Short Film / American Film / Drama / Social Issue Drama

▸ Country: United States

▸ Release: Netflix

▸ Theatrical release: November 20, 2020

▸Recommendation Index: ★★★★★

After a school shooting, for loving parents who have lost a loved one, memories trump all.


At the beginning of the picture, the two couples are sitting at the dining table speechless. Although they are calm and undisputed on the surface, they see the shadow representing the husband and wife. Then the shadow husband and wife accuse and quarrel with each other. Life has no goal, and it feels like living like a walking dead.

The football that fell from the washing machine when the wife was doing laundry brought them to her daughter's room, and they also started a happy and beautiful memory with her daughter, but the memory was not reality. After the memory, the two husband and wife hugged and cried.

Two couples sitting at the dining table speechless

The short 10-minute animation can capture the plot and rhythm so well, it is really strong, especially the use of silence and colorless to convey the loss and sadness of parents losing their children, so that the audience is completely immersed in the picture, although the picture is only simple It is composed of color blocks and lines, but the sense of decadence is quite profound. The sad and unmotivated atmosphere directly penetrates the hearts of the audience. Finally, relying on the smile of the daughter to lift the mood, it is perfect!

movie atmosphere

The overall color is black, gray and white, giving people a feeling of oppression and sadness. Although I have read the introduction and know that this is a sad story, but seeing the low-chroma color picture, the viewing experience is really low. A short 10-minute short film with only four places of color (no background included):

  1. Mom washes clothes to daughter's blue clothes.
  2. Daughter kicks broken wall with soccer ball and repaints it with blue paint.
  3. American flag in front of the classroom.
  4. The smiley sun at the end represents reconciliation.

Blue clothes (the memory of the family driving out together) and blue paint (the joy of playing football with father and daughter) represent memories and are beautiful; the brightly colored American flag is ironic and angry; the last The smiling face of the sun represents that the daughter will always live in the hearts of her parents and also represents reconciliation with herself.

daughter's blue dress
Repainted with blue paint
American flag in front of classroom
Smiley sun representing reconciliation

Shadows represent thoughts

Excessive grief makes couples need a way to transfer - quarrel.

The couple fight to forget their grief, and the loss of their daughter makes their lives lose their purpose.

The husband drank beer and watched the ball game with a dazed eye. The ball game was no longer fun for the husband; the wife touched the flowers and plants that she had planted seriously before, but the wife was no longer interested in gardening. They wanted to forget about it and want to come out. But they are still thinking and don't want to forget.

Escape can't solve the problem, can't bring the daughter back from the dead, the falling football took them to her daughter's bedroom, and the memories spread instantly. The husband and wife recalled the happy life with their daughter before. Memories must also remind couples of their original sense of happiness. When happiness floods into memory, what can’t be communicated and reconciled?

Remarks: For the parts of the plot that are not drawn, I have my own brains. For example, when Dad is watching a football game, the TV does not actually broadcast what Dad is watching.

Impressive place

  • The cat is playing with her daughter, and the mother is smiling in the direction of the cat, as if the mother is watching them play together.
  • The parents, who represent "memories", tried their best to prevent their daughters from going to school in the memories, but they could not change the reality in the memories. The picture made me feel the urgency and powerlessness of the parents. I really burst into tears in this episode. Even typing this sentence brought tears to my eyes again.
  • The American flag in front of the classroom was obviously still, but with the sound of gunshots and screams and crying, I actually felt confusion and fear, and while watching it, I also cursed "Damn!".
  • The last point is also the most tear-jerking. The daughter probably knew that she might not be able to go home, so she sent a message to her parents: "No matter what, I love you. "

By the way, the official website is really cruel, and at the end of the official website there is a picture of her daughter entering the school! So I'm going to poison too!


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