【Do you really know yourself? MBTI 16 Personality Type Test]

The purpose of this test is to let you know more about your true personality

Today is the first day of CTPS teaching assistant training. In the afternoon, everyone took the MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Indicator) personality type test, which is an extension of the test based on the book of psychologist Jung.

The purpose of this test is to let you know more about your true personality, and when this test is conducted in a team, everyone can better understand each other's personality, and then coordinate the work mode that is more suitable for everyone.

【Testing process】

A simple MBTI test link will also be attached at the end of the article for interested friends to play.

1. Mentality: Please stay relaxed during the test, and when filling in, forget about your work and the expectations of the society; only write down the most primitive, most authentic and intuitive self.

2. This experiment measures "your traits", not your behavior. What needs to be known is that your traits are innate, but your behavior can be changed; like you may be born left-handed, but you can practice right hand writing well (behavior), but your traits Still left-handed.

3. After the test, you will get 4 personality traits. Remember, there is no right or wrong with these four personality traits. Only when people with different personalities get along will they need to pay attention to different places. What we need to learn is how to get along with people with different personalities.

(It's just that social expectations will usually want you to be a certain type of personality, but that's an acquired behavior not the real you!)

【Character Analysis】

Very simple instructions, if you are interested, please click the link to see more detailed instructions.

1. E (outward) <-> I (inward)

E derives its energy from interacting with others, and I derives its energy from being with oneself.

Generally speaking, it's normal for the same E to get along with the same I, but when E and I work together, there are minor conflicts.

E will always want to throw words to I, but I need time to think, then E will think why I keep not answering and then talk more, and finally it becomes a vicious circle XD.

Coping style: When E gets along with I, he can leave more time for I during communication to let him think and then answer; and I can also remind him when E finishes speaking, giving me some time to think.

2. S(Senses) <-> N(Intuition)

S is good at using the five senses to understand the world. They usually describe things very concretely and in great detail. N likes to look at the general direction and the whole.

S and N have the same contradictions. Usually when S describes things, N doesn't want to pay too much attention to the details he said, so he may be often distracted. When N speaks, S will feel that he is only talking about concepts without evidence, and will feel very uneasy.

Coping method: When S communicates with N, he can prepare more general directions, reduce the level of details, and talk more about concepts. And when N speaks, he should also pay attention to providing more information to S to corroborate.

3. T (logic, thinking) <-> F (emotion)

This is the difference in biased personality. Some people are very realistic and focus on logic; some people are particularly concerned about the feelings of others and focus on people. Neither of these are right or wrong!

4. J(judgment) <-> P(perceive)

J needs to be planned and organized, and the time must be well defined. N prefers a flexible and free way.

Simple judgment, you can judge from your habit of submitting reports. The ones who will start planning a long time ago and submit early are usually J, and the ones who are still writing in the middle of the night before the deadline are almost P.

Coping methods: There is no difference between the two, but everyone works differently. However, this requires communication in advance of cooperation. If J does not know that his partner is P, there will be a mistake in expecting that P will also submit the report on time, and then he will not be very angry until he waits; P will also be very stressed at the same time.


Everyone can test their personality, know more about themselves, and invite their friends to play, and then discuss what kind of relationship is more suitable for you.

Remember there is no right or wrong character, everyone is unique. The point is how to communicate to make cooperation 1+1>2! Welcome to tag your friends to experiment together, and share your character results under the post! Then share it with your friends!

*The picture is referenced from the Internet.

https://www.16personalities.com/ch/personality test


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