Chinese Teaching Classroom Activities - Jeopardylabs (for reviewing new words)


This is the paragraph:

1. No registration required

2. Simple operation

3. Move the mouse to help you score

4. It can be an individual competition or a group competition (you can also name the group)

5. The teacher has set the content, is ready to answer the bell, and the network is OK at any time.

First attach the URL: , and then give the designer 100 points (clapping)

I have tried many games that require students to look at the projection screen or the teacher's computer before, but I always feel that the effect is not as good as the physical game (touchable word cards or toys), but the Jeopardylabs used this time is unexpectedly popular with the students~

Not sure if it's the function of answering the bell, the function of automatic scoring, or whether the students are in a good mood when they play? Anyway, give teachers an idea to try and hope your students will pay for it too!

Game settings:

1. After entering the website, click "Create a Jeopardy Game"

2. Enter a password in "Create a Password" and click "Start Building!"

3. Enter five topics in the top column "Enter Category Name"

4. The 100~500 in the leftmost straight line represent the scores that students can get by answering correctly, so the teacher can make simple to difficult questions according to the scores

5. Click to select any box and a new window will pop up. Enter the question that students will see in "Question Prompt", and "Correct Response" is the correct answer that the teacher can click to show after the students answer the question.

6. Click "Continue" at the bottom of the window and fill in the other 24 boxes until completed

How to play:

1. Be sure to review before the game starts, so that students can answer the questions correctly as much as possible. After all, the purpose of the game is not to fail students, but to give students an "excuse" to practice.

2. Students are divided into two groups (or multiple groups of teachers can set by themselves), and name the groups on the screen to facilitate subsequent scoring

3. Guessing decides the group to choose the topic first, and the group that guesses right is the first to choose, and you need to say "theme + score", such as "Hello 300"

4. After speaking, the teacher counts for 3 seconds and clicks "Hello 300" with the mouse. At this time, the question will be displayed on the screen. All students (not limited to the group that chooses the question) can rush to answer. Those who know the answer press the bell to answer.

5. The teacher who answered correctly can directly click the + key of the group, the game will automatically add the correct score, and the teacher who answered incorrectly can also click the - key, and the score will be automatically deducted

6. If you answer incorrectly, other groups can rush to answer again. If you answer correctly, you can get extra points.

Summary: This game combines the advantages of two board games - Kuaishou Guigui's "Quick Answer" and Kuaishou's "Ring the Bell" for stacking cups. It also achieves the teacher's goal that students are willing to "open their mouths to read". I really think it is excellent: )


Fun: ★★★★

Eye-catching degree: ★★

Reuse rate: ★★★

Suitable subject: any

Game time: about 15 to 20 minutes

Number of players: about 2 to 6 people

Price: About 45~~~~ yuan for PPT and answering bells (see the price the teacher bought)

Others: I use Kuaishou to stack the cups for my answering bell, and everyone has seen it in Diaso in Japan.


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