Shenmu Brand-Custom Inspirational Coasters

Lazy July is very hot in Europe. . . . But I'm here again to collect travel expenses~

HIHI~ long time no see everyone~~

Shenmu appeared again after being lazy for a few months~ The last article is in the last handmade article XD

After finishing it, I fell into the debuff of world-weariness and laziness. Although I made money, I was very happy~ I felt like my enthusiasm suddenly disappeared. . . .

So I wandered to find the oil field in my heart,

Read some books to supplement the lack of knowledge

Walk some sights and stretch your atrophied body

Played some games to let down my tense body

Eat a lot of snacks, soothe the whole body and mind

(Maybe this is my oil field, which is really quite oily and can continue to burn enthusiasm (????

So I'm paying my debts every day now. . . . 4 sets of tabata per day

OK! ! Cut to the topic

In the recent cold winter of currency prices, I had to transfer the money that I had originally invested in stocks and virtual currency to the construction of my own studio, so after thinking about it, I bought an initial version of the laser engraving machine, and then kept on How can I use this machine to earn myself back from my research?

I know I need to carve something to sell, but many patterns have copyrights! It's too cheap for you to put Shenmu photos (????

After thinking about it, I still couldn't think of what to do, so I had to swipe the IG, but when I was browsing the IG of @fengdu, eh? ! Such an inspiring IG! I looked at the LINE chat log again, wow! Good mouth dialogue record Ou! Immediately, I mentioned to her that I want to sell her (? After she figured out that it is not to sell her photos but to sell her inspirational quotes, she readily agreed ~ so the inspirational quote coasters were born!!

At present, there are 3+1 hidden models of inspirational coasters

The romance of the brave is never give up
The youth that never goes back but is still hot-blooded
It's not an exaggeration to be an online beauty once a year, right?

The bases are all made of IKEA coasters~ You can choose the form of the 3 coasters, and the internal text can also be customized. Shenmu will discuss with you one-on-one how to make it, and then try to carve it for you to see~ Of course, the price is customized It will be higher, of course, it will be cheaper to buy the standard coaster directly XD~ (gold coins for Shenmu!!!

Pricing has not yet been decided~ and there are other products to be launched~ I will release the relevant information one after another.

Shenmu Elf Token (? New listing soon, please look forward to it~!!!


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!