Right or wrong? Is this right? Zhixi: Not exactly, sometimes you need to deal with people first

Treat people and things properly

You must have encountered such a person, who is the kind of "selfless" person who says that he wants to focus on the matter all day long, but everyone knows that many people's relationships are because of the so-called "right things are not people". rather nervous. Zhixi thinks, if you can do it, that's fine, it means you are neutral and fair, but how many people are doing one-sided things under the banner of this?

Right or wrong? Is this right?

Many people must have often heard that I am right about things and people. It seems that I am very upright, outspoken, and I don’t hide it.

No matter how good friends are, after all, they are two separate individuals. People have their own emotions and thoughts. If they are just right about the wrong person, they will hurt each other's feelings. What you think is wrong, the other person may not necessarily think so. For, everyone has their own ideas.

Right things are divided into right and wrong, good and bad, but when it comes to people, there is no such simple and crude distinction. Treat people first before dealing with things, that is, don’t ignore people’s normal emotions and needs, everyone hopes that they are right and that they are the winners.

If we deal with people first, that is, from the standpoint of the other party to consider, empathy, and then deal with things, things will become much easier to handle, and it will be easier to convince people.


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芷汐你好芷汐是一個創作者,醫生,學生。 歡迎來到芷汐的小空間。
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