Sharp Review|Contemporary Counter-Strikes Aiming at "Malicious Salary"

Strange to say, the number one target of my country's anti-terrorism drills is often the migrant workers who "maliciously ask for wages". Probably because there are so many migrant workers in our country who "maliciously ask for wages", and they are particularly hateful - although they are unarmed, they are well versed in such tricks as jumping off the building, kneeling, sitting still, sleeping in the Social Security Bureau, self-immolation, and suicide by drinking pesticides, slogans. Most of them are "returning my hard-earned money", which can be described as extremely bad means and extremely far-reaching effects, so they must be prepared.
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Text|Gu Yue Shan Tao

Recently, an "old news" from CCTV's Social and Legal Channel has become popular: this year's National Security Education Day (April 15), the police and enterprises in Chaoyang District, Beijing held a joint anti-terrorism exercise. The "terrorist" in the exercise was an unarmed migrant worker who just held up a card with the words "Return my hard-earned money" and "viciously asked for wages" in the mall. In the end, the heroic Chaoyang police dispatched riot shields, and together with the belly and back of the shopping mall security guards, the "terrorists" were subdued. Interested friends can search for the original film and feel the power of counter-strike in the capital:

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In fact, it is not the first time that the anti-terrorism exercise has targeted migrant workers who "maliciously demanded wages". As early as 2009, in order to welcome the Asian Games, Guangzhou Public Security held an anti-terrorism exercise aimed at "mass incidents caused by workers seeking unpaid wages". Liu Xiaogang, a deputy to the Guangzhou Municipal People's Congress and vice-chairman of the Guangzhou Federation of Trade Unions at the time, also said, "As a staff member of the Federation of Trade Unions, I don't think it's good for the public security department to do this."

The latest anti-terrorist exercise aimed at "malicious wage-seeking" against migrant workers, the battle was even bigger: in the summer of 2019, Shenzhen Public Security directly held a sea, land and air amphibious anti-terrorist exercise involving 12,000 people. The Shenzhen police used both tear gas and riot guns, so it was very lively. As a result, I took a closer look, my dear, it is not the US imperialist aircraft, artillery and aircraft carriers who dare to threaten our national security, but hold up slogans such as "Return my hard-earned money", "I owe migrant workers wages illegally, where is the conscience?" peasant workers who pay back the money!

One thing to say, I have always felt that the anti-terrorism exercises to protect national security should target the aircraft, artillery and aircraft carriers of the US imperialism. No matter how bad it is, you can always target cults, extremism such as ISIS, and underworld rivalries, right?

As a result, strange to say, the number one target of my country's anti-terrorist drills is often migrant workers who "maliciously demand wages." Probably because there are so many migrant workers in our country who "maliciously ask for wages", and they are particularly hateful - although they are unarmed, they are well versed in such tricks as jumping off the building, kneeling, sitting still, sleeping in the Social Security Bureau, self-immolation, and suicide by drinking pesticides, slogans. Most of them are "returning my hard-earned money", which can be described as extremely bad means and extremely far-reaching effects, so they must be prepared. And, who knows if they're "making trouble" with American money, right?

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I want to say that these drills aimed at "malicious wage demands" against migrant workers are still a bit sloppy. They are not conducive to showing the true combat effectiveness of our country's counter-strike elites, and it is even more detrimental to let the working people experience the true end of "malicious wage demands". In order for the people to truly appreciate the power of an iron fist, a blow in real life is far better than countless counter-terrorism exercises in fake models:

A first-class counter-strike should be able to stifle workers' rights in the cradle. They should set up the rights protection procedures to be extremely complicated, whether it is using complex legal provisions, lengthy processing procedures, or labor inspection, human resources and public prosecutors that serve the renminbi, anyway, they are striving to stifle workers' rights protection and voice in the cradle among.

The second-rate counter-strikes are not as sophisticated as the first-rate ones, but mainly try to solve the problem as quickly, simply, and rudely as possible. For example, at the end of 2014, Taiyuan policeman Wang Wenjun, who personally killed Zhou Xiuyun, a migrant worker who demanded wages, was not a first-class counter-strike, but he was already a leader among the second-rate.

The third-rate counter-terrorist elite has almost the same level as those who engage in counter-terrorism exercises. But because he made a fuss about the real thing publicly, it was still better than the exercise. The most outstanding example is the 2016 conference of "illegal wage-seeking migrant workers" in Langzhong, Sichuan. This conference spread the concepts of "malicious wage demands" and "violent rights protection" among migrant workers, which is more conducive to our gratitude to the bosses for their "well-intentioned wage arrears" and "rational rights protection".

I remember the teacher said that if the Chinese revolution can win, the people of the whole country have to thank two teachers, one is Chiang Kai-shek and the other is U.S. imperialism. Applying this logic, I think Chinese workers should also thank teachers such as companies and Counter-Strike. After all, the boss is just "underpaid in good faith", and Counter-Strike is just "maintaining national security", maybe the reason behind it is heart-warming, right?


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