【Throw away one thing a day】Day 131 Chair foot cover

Throwing One Thing a Day Plan

I turned over these four chair stool foot covers from the cabinet today. There is no special requirement for the feet and feet of the chair stool, as long as it does not make annoying noises when moving. Fortunately, the chairs at home do not make sharp noises when they move, so these four foot covers have never been taken apart for use. Today, I will take them apart just to confirm what they are.

The foot covers were not bought separately, they were given when I bought the chairs and stools. I probably didn't know what to do with them at the time, so I just put them in the cabinet. Thank you for coming to our house, it's a pity I haven't used yours.


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komoto-wp嘿🖖地球人,歡迎來到我的小宇宙。 目前主業是玩貓,副業為不務正業地凡人,正在練習躺平中。 【野生小本出沒地】https://portaly.cc/komotonekobox
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