After the fun, I feel lost

Are you willing to face your past self? Is there anything that makes you want to stay in the past? This article is one of my works in the last year of my high school career. Although the writing is not so meticulous, it is worth remembering. Because that memory is so pure and precious. It turns out that youth is like this.
Farewell that day, the wind was sunny, and the evening was ready to fall

Under the scorching heat, this day is more important than ever. Alarm clock ding dong! Ding dong! It sounded, I was still in a sweet dream, and I was going to wake up. I was still half awake and half asleep, and I walked into the bathroom and turned on the faucet. teeth. I can't help but think about the Teacher Thanks Banquet 𥚃 later, have the teachers and classmates in the row changed their appearance? Will they dress up to attend? There must be a lot of joy and excitement on the way, and the scene is very lively.

When I think of this, I raise the corners of my mouth, looking forward to the party for a while. The water from the tap has filled the entire washbasin, pulling me back from the dream to reality.

I put on the shirt I specially selected yesterday and buttoned up the buttons one by one. I can't wait to chat with them and share with them the interesting things that happened recently, just like in the campus life in the past, full of laughter , and fasten the last bright black button. He started to put the lining 𧘹 on his neck, and then tightened the lining 𧘹 to make his appearance extra neat. Going to the mirror, seeing how well-dressed he was, he looked polite and graceful, and then he stepped out of the house.

Walking to the venue step by step, I am extra happy and looking forward to it.

At the Teacher Appreciation Banquet𥚃, it was full of laughter and words from classmates and teachers. In the past, the discord between Yixin and Teacher Chen also dissipated with laughter, and they also talked about life. In the old days, Yunxing and Yourong were at odds with each other, fighting with each other, determined to kill you and me. At this moment, they put aside their prejudices and opposing determinations, shook hands and words, and also touched glasses. The old things were written off, and the corners of his mouth were raised to take pictures. On the way, a class of students also participated in it, facing the flash, pressing the shutter again and again, with a smile on our face and under the lively background, our hearts also beat with the shutter, and there was a moment of pain, but I didn’t know it. Why? Unconsciously, the host called: "Let's clink glasses together to celebrate." At that moment, the pain in my heart was drowned out by everyone's cheers and clinking glasses. In the same way, surrounded by the lively atmosphere, it infected my mood. We talked aloud about each other's distant dreams, and brought everything we longed for to the dinner table for discussion. Each of us had all kinds of grand plans and grand ideals. Right now, the Yixin beside me is much more mature than the Yixin I knew in the past. In the past, he was a big slacker who would only be addicted to online games, but now she has dreams and clear goals. I dare not let me remember that we, who are young, are gradually growing up into adults. In the lively atmosphere, there was a sense of loss, and the loss was like tears streaming down the corners of my eyes. It seems that after this night, everyone will be scattered, set foot in a bizarre society, and work hard for new plans, family, children, etc. After that, there are few opportunities for everyone to gather together again.

Finally, as the end of the thank-you banquet approached, everyone prepared a gift for each class teacher and gave a speech to express their feelings. In their speeches, everyone expressed their respect for the relationship between teachers and students, showing their true love for each other's relationship, and also understood the past care of the teachers. When the students said what they said in their hearts, they let the teachers in the audience feel deeply without reservation. The people on and off the stage, their tears rolled in their eyes, and the tears couldn't wait to burst out. Everyone was shedding unbearable feelings. Understand that the hourglass of time will not stop for anyone, and the time to part ways will come sooner or later. Although, everyone understands this truth, but everyone expects time to go slower and slower. Until the end of the speech, the students embraced the teachers, and would like a classmate to hug and laugh. I hope that before leaving, I can also take the last opportunity to take a photo with my unfamiliar classmates and hug them cordially. The scene becomes lively again, and it is full of reluctance. Every hug contains the blessings of every teacher and student to each other, and even some words that cannot be expressed in words are expressed in hugs, which brings an end to the last part of the road for middle school students. We step into campus life with laughter and conclude with laughter at the end. I held back my tears and put away my lost face, hoping for a perfect ending, and looking forward to everyone gathering together in the future to continue the lively atmosphere.

When it was time to leave the venue, everyone was reluctant to part, hoping that time would stop so that everyone would not have to endure the feeling of parting and loss, but unfortunately the giant wheel of time will not stop because of this kind of thing. When we got to the center of the bifurcated road, we all knew it was time to step into a new life and path. But I looked back at them on different roads, praying to meet again and create a lively atmosphere again, but I also have to embark on a new journey and fight for the unknown future.

On the dark road, only a thin figure was left, and the people who were traveling with him had left one by one, and the dazzling headlights of the building beside him were also turned off. The road in front of him became pitch black and terrifying. The tears that I could barely hold back finally fell. Are they too? I really wish this party could not come.

I just want to use the functions of decentralization and permanent preservation of Matt City to leave the tender writing and memories. In the future, I can reminisce about it.


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