Essays on Life | Commemorating Photojournalist Brent Renaud who died in Ukraine

YK @一杯咖啡的生活
Brent Renaud (10.02.1971--13.03.2022)

I heard some unfortunate news last night (13-03-2022). An American "New York Times" photojournalist was shot dead in Ukraine, his name was Brent Renaud. Every time I hear the news of a photojournalist dying in a war zone, I feel very sad, maybe because I am also a photographer.

I have always respected and admired war photojournalists.

When I heard about these unfortunate events in the past, I would blog or share my feelings on social platforms. Now in addition to writing blogs, you can also express your emotions by creating NFT works. If you are interested in seeing this work, you can click here.

"Art" creation is a very personal and very inner process, a process of emotional expression and expression. For me, the creative process is not to please others, and whether others like it or not is not the most important consideration when creating, but whether I like it or not is what matters. Creation is a self-healing activity.

I hope this war can end as soon as possible without more families and people suffering. Lord have mercy 🙏

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